Installing the antenna is really a daunting task because you need to catch the exact frequency level, and you must access the proper height to reach the tower frequency also. People always try to fix their antenna when they find some troubles in their television and afterwards, they generally dismantle or break the parts of their own antennal due to mishandling. Apart from the fact that you must climb to great heights to carry out the installation, you also need to get the spot, angle and direction of the antenna right. The best way you can handle the job efficiently is if you have a proper plan of action. It is suggested to install the antenna by some professionals who are experience in this field, as they have the frequency monitor, which can measure the accurate frequency level as per the nature of your television set.
Tips to install your antenna successfully:
1. Choose the Right Location
You can generally install outdoor antennas on a roof or in an attic. While an antenna installation in your attic involves less climbing and acrobatics, the reception may not always be of the same quality as a rooftop antenna. Nearby home appliances may disrupt the signal too. So, start with locating an ideal spot on your rooftop. Take safety measures before you start climbing the ladder and protect yourself from electrical shocks by installing it far from power lines. It is better to avoid this risky venture and hire some professional from this field.
2. Get the Best Direction
This is applicable only when you are installing a directional antenna. Determine which direction your antenna points to – this should ideally be towards the towers. Next, find the direction to the towers by finding broadcasts in your area and the precise compass orientation to the towers that are transmitting.
3. Choose a Spot
The best spot for your outdoor antenna installation is where there is a clear line of sight between the towers and the antenna. While this is almost impossible, the best you can do is make sure that the antenna does not point towards a neighboring tree or house so that signal is not disrupted in any way. As far as possible, choose a higher spot for your antenna placement. The higher the
4. Avoid Metal
During outdoor antenna installation, ensure that there is no metal present on your roof or neighboring roofs at less than a wavelength distance so that the antenna’s electrical properties are not changed. An ideal distance between your antenna and metal would be at least three feet on the UHF band and much more on the VHF band, so that directivity, resonance frequency and bandwidth do not get interrupted.
5. Keep Your Cables Short
Shorten your antenna cables while installing it. Radio signals travel along a cable, and you have higher chances of losing signal energy before it reaches a TV set if it must travel for a longer distance. Once you have completed the antenna installation, shorten the cables by trimming them.
6. Get Professional Help
If you have never handled an antenna installation before and if you are unsure of how to handle the job, get in touch with a professional who has experience handling the job. Most stores that deal with antenna sales usually have a technician to help you get the job done. Most of these installations come with a guarantee on work since the professionals who do the job are certified.
In summary, when getting an outdoor antenna installation done, choose the right location, the best direction and the ideal spot for installation. Determine the direction that you must point your antenna and ensure that signals are not blocked.