6 Tips for Dominating

By Prettylittlemrs @PrettyLittleMrs

1. Clean and reorganize your workspace. Don’t just spray down surfaces and dust your monitor. Remove everything off your desk. Sort through drawers and cupboards. Get rid of things you aren’t using. Cluttered space = cluttered mind. Want a fresh perspective? Try moving your desk or adding a lamp.

2. Invest in something you’re missing (or ask your boss for it). Need a new desk? New chair? New computer? Now’s the time to make the investment in what you’re missing and start the year off on the right foot. If you have to talk to an employer about this try to remember that they want you to be a productive employee and should be willing to meet your needs.

3. Commit to organizing your day. The biggest change in my work habits came with the Daily Page Notepad (Etsy, $13.00). Each page allows you to organize your to-do-list, meal planning, water consumption, appointments, goals, and other tasks for the day ahead. It’s amazing how much energy you save and how much clarity you gain by getting all these details out of your head and onto paper. I always fill the page out the night before—-it gives me a great idea of what the next day holds and helps me sleep like a baby. If you can commit to doing this Monday-Friday you will see your productivity skyrocket. Order a notepad here, and use code THYME for 20% off your order.

4. Remove distractions. Do you ever catch yourself completely procrastinating in the middle of the day? It happens to all of us. Unfortunately those distractions can suck up valuable time and that time adds up. If certain websites tend to suck your time try the StayFocused extension for Google Chrome. It allows you to set a timer for any website and then blocks the site when you’ve reached it. For example you can allow yourself 20 minutes a day on Facebook. If Facebook is open, your timer is running. If you close out the timer will stop. Use up your 20 minutes and it won’t let you revisit until tomorrow. It’s a great way to keep yourself from mindlessly scrolling your newsfeed. Another favorite is simply the Timer extension, which allows you to set a timer for certain tasks. I like to do this for tasks that I don’t particularly enjoy doing—-if I tell myself I’m going to focus and get it done in 15 minutes, I usually do.

5. Figure out how you work best. Some people have been in the workforce for a solid decade (or more) and still have no idea how they work best. Invest some time into actually thinking about this. Do you work best in groups? Alone? In the morning? Late at night? How could you change your work environment or schedule to optimize your performance? I’m the most productive from 5-9am and get the bulk of my work done during that time.

6. Think of 6 attainable goals for the year ahead and write them down. People are great at making goals for themselves (lose 5 pounds, eat healthier etc) but often overlook the importance of making career related goals each year. Make a list with a mixture of personal and work-related goals for the year ahead.