When moving to a new contry you'll have to face a lot of challanges along with getting used to a new lifestyle that way be pretty weird for you at first (or for quite a while). Being rased in particularly different culture and traditions makes you feel awkward about how things get done at your place.
Today. my post 6 Things Foreigners Don’t Understand About France got pubslished at Thought Catalog. I've took the courage thanks to Kate's from Diaries of an Essex Girl suggestion on how to promote your blog for free. Thank you, Kate so much!
I really don't want to give it up all here, so here's just a short spoiler.
1. All shops close at around 7 p.m.
In Besançon and most other provincial cities, you won’t be able to buy anything after 7 p.m. No food, no clothes, no medicine. Nothing.A 24/7 store or at least 7/11? Nope. No one has ever heard of that here. What is more: many shops have lunch breaks from 12 -14 daily. Some places have hours that are even stranger. Who would have thought that Pizza Hut and Dominos are open from 11:30 - 14:00 and then 18:00 - 22:30? Definitely not me. I’ve gotten there only to be staring at closed doors one too many times.
Luckily there are just a few exceptions: - Most boulangeries work from 6 a.m. till 8 p.m. in the evenings (even on Sundays!) - Some smaller, random corner shops are often open late.
Check it out the full version at Thought Catalog!
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Enjoy the Weekends!
- Elena