6 South American Adventures Waiting in the Wings

Posted on the 18 July 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

6 South American adventures waiting in the wings

As 2021 approaches - and the possibilities for safe travel promising to return - you can start now to explore the possibilities of adventure travel in South America. Why not?

Of course, "adventure" means a little something different for each traveler. Those with untamed minds can find adventure in everything from literally swimming with sharks to trying an adrenaline pumping sport for the first time.

With rugged terrain, unexplored land and lots of natural beauty, South America offers a range of exciting destinations for adventure travel. What we present here are just half a dozen of some of our best adventure activities that are worth living while exploring this amazing continent.

1. Trekking in the "lost city" of Colombia

When the first Spanish settlers established their base on the north coast of Colombia, they set out to discover the untold riches of the legendary Ciudad Perdida ("The Lost City") - located in the heart of the jungle on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

While the site is no longer shining gold, you will undoubtedly leave the destination with a reservoir of incredible memories. Containing some 170 stone terraces that were once the foundations of Tayrona houses from the 9th century, the ruins are as impressive as they are far away. Those wishing to take a look at this archaeological gem can do so by embarking on a five-day trek that will connect you with the indigenous Tayrona culture and delight you in this remote natural site. Channel your indoor Indiana Jones as you cross rickety bridges, climb endless stone steps, and wander streams to reach the incredible age-old site, best visited during peak season between December and March.

2. Whale watching in the Argentine peninsula of Valdes

It is rare that whales facilitate their closeness and their intimacy as in the waters of the Valdes peninsula in Argentina. The unique geography of this region has made it a refuge for these monsters, the most remarkable being the southern right whales, which reach lengths up to 45 feet and tip the scales between 40 and 45 tonnes.

These whales glide only a few meters from shore, while orcas sometimes run aground when they attack sea lions. Each year, between June and December, hundreds of these southern right whales head to this remote peninsula of Patagonia, which is now listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site by huge visitors. While the nearby town of Puerto Madryn is the base for most two-legged travelers visiting the area, the fishing village of Puerto Piramides is the real starting point for going out to sea for at least two days of whale watching captivating.

3. On the "death road" of Bolivia

It's not called "Death Road" for nothing. This infamous winding road outside the Bolivian capital of La Paz is known for its hairpin turns bounded by 12,000-foot-high cliffs, with few guide rails providing protection.

Once hailed as the most dangerous road in the world, this gravel-covered area has claimed the lives of around 200 people each year. Since the construction of another route, commercial traffic on the "death road" has been reduced; However, the road has now attracted the attention of not only curious drivers, but also mountain bikers looking for thrills eager to discover stunning Bolivian landscapes in an exhilarating and breathtaking way. Put on your helmet and get ready for an exciting 41-mile hike that descends over 3,500 meters (a drop of more than 2 miles), cutting and bending through snow-capped peaks, cascading waterfalls and between lush landscapes even before reaching the summit pass along Yungas Road (aka "Death Road"). Along this spectacular cycle route, you will feel the thrill of navigating its steep paths and avoiding sharp knife falls, including the famous "Death Curve", which will take you past magnificent waterfalls in the ultimate tempting adventure . .

4. Cycling volcano in Ecuador

While the famous Galapagos Islands are part of Ecuador, this country has even more to offer. As you cross the continent en route to the country's islands, why not discover "Volcano Avenue"? - two parallel mountain ranges which shelter eight of the ten highest peaks in the country. Located just outside Quito, these Andean peaks offer exhilarating day trips. Each is an exciting way to admire the impressive landscape of towering volcanoes and almost mystical cloud forests.

The 4×4 trip from the capital takes you to one of these volcanoes for a sublime view of the extensive countryside. Perhaps even reaching the edge of the volcano crater, you will all be ready for the downhill bike, rewarded with panoramic views and snow-capped mountains beyond. In all directions, the vast expanses of the open Andean highlands unfold before you, while above, you will see condors flying majestically. An exhilarating walk will likely take you to a sleepy village, where you will refuel with a traditional Andean lunch and savor the culture and the enchanting surroundings. Then, with its mild climate all year round, Ecuador is also an excellent place for caving, rafting and hiking. Consider adding at least one to your Galapagos adventure!

5. Sandboarding in the Atacama Desert in Chile

The perfect mix of sand, sun and adrenaline makes sandboarding a promising adventure activity. The Atacama Desert in Chile is one of the perfect places for high-speed descents in arid dunes of various shapes and sizes.

In this region of another world - the driest desert in the world - you will experience the thrill and the physical challenge of sandboarding on huge dunes 300 feet high for a wild ride full of adrenaline. In Atacama's "Mars Valley" or "Death Valley", have fun, enjoy the view and experience the desert like never before. Then end the day by watching the sun go down Valle de la Luna "(Moon Valley") with a cold sour pisco in hand.

6. Dive with sharks (safely) in the Galapagos Islands

Being surrounded by hundreds of benign hammerhead sharks is one of the greatest natural adventures on earth. It is perfectly possible to discover this wonder of nature in the Galapagos Islands, where the waters off Darwin Island and Wolf Island are two of the best diving spots in the world for encounters with these majestic marine animals.

This is not an experience for the faint hearted, the largest population of hammerhead sharks in the region can be observed during the summer months, with June often seeing large schools. But this does not end here; You can expect to find other aquatic species including white tip reef sharks and sea lions, tiny Galapagos penguins, flightless sea iguanas and cormorants, not to mention starfish, sea ​​turtles and countless species of brightly colored tropical fish.

Alfonso Tandazo is President and CEO of Surtrek Tour Operator. Surtrek Tour Operator is a well-established company specializing in tailor-made luxury tours in Ecuador, the Galapagos and the rest of South America. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog to increase your profile, please contact us.