6 Simple Reasons Your Business Must Have an App

Posted on the 13 August 2018 by Techloot @tech_loot

It’s 2018, and there’s an app for just about everything. If your business doesn’t have an app, then it’s fair to say you’re probably behind. Of course, not every single business needs an app. Some business’ get on just fine with a responsive mobile website. However, if your company process allows, and you know it would be better for your audience, you shouldn’t delay creating your app.

Here are 6 simple reasons you must have one if you haven’t got one yet:

1. Make your customers’ lives easier

The first reason you should be considering an app is that it makes your customers lives easier. Your app should aim to simplify processes that your customers have to go through when using your regular site. The right app developers will work tirelessly to ensure your app does this, so you’ll need to make sure you perform extensive research and find the right company.

Your app could be simple, and make your customers lives easier by simplifying the check out process. It doesn’t have to do anything too fancy. Providing users can easily do what they need to do and find the important information, that can be enough.

2. Offer incentives and rewards

As a bonus for downloading your app, you could offer users incentives and rewards. This could be bonus points on their loyalty cards, discounts that they can only use through the app, and anything else you can think of that you think will encourage users to use your app in the long term.

3. Your competitors likely have an app

The fact is, your competitors likely have an app. If they don’t, they might be building one. If they’re not, this is your opportunity to stand out! Standing out in a sea of similar businesses is difficult enough, so you need to go above and beyond to put yourself in front of your audience and ensure they don’t forget you.

4. Add another digital marketing channel

An app can become a direct marketing channel for you. You can choose the right times and alert your users of sales, discounts, or simply attempt to bring them back to the app with something else. You can even inform them of news, or something else of value. It gives you another way to engage with your audience and ensure that they don’t forget about you.

5. Improve customer loyalty and engagement

Keeping your customers happy is so important in this day and age. If you aren’t keeping them happy, they won’t think twice about going elsewhere for their needs. An app will help you to improve customer loyalty and engagement. You will be able to stay at the forefront of their minds.

6. Build your brand and recognition

Finally, an app can help you to build your brand and help you to gain recognition. Depending on what your app does, somebody who never would have otherwise heard of your brand might find themselves using your app. Then, there you have it; somebody else who may use your business in the future.

Will you have an app built for your business?