6 Out Of 10 Democrats Pick Ability To Win Over Issues

Posted on the 22 August 2019 by Jobsanger

These charts reflect the results of the new Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between August 17th and 20th of a national sample of 559 Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents (including 505 registered voters). No margin of error for just these groups was given. The margin of error for the entire poll of 1,500 adults was 2.6 points.
A recent CNN poll had 54% of Democrats thinking the ability to beat Donald Trump was more important than agreement on the issues with a candidate. This poll ups that percentage to 60%.
The poll also still has only 8 candidates scoring at least 2%, 6 candidates scoring more than 2%, and only 3 candidates in double-digits -- Warren, Sanders, and Biden. It's looking more and more like Democratic/Independent voters have narrowed the field of candidates without party help or candidates dropping out.