6 New Year Men’s Style Resolutions

By Attireclub @attireclub

With the New Year almost here, it's time not only to look back and evaluate what you have done in the past year and what has changed for you, but also to look ahead. Many people decide around the end of December or at the beginning of January what their New Year's resolutions are. While this is a good day to start something new in your life, any day is a good first day for doing something new. This is why you should not get discouraged if you don't start your resolutions exactly on January 1 st.

We have put together a list of style resolutions, as there are many things anyone can do change in their habits, in order to improve their appearance. When you look good, you feel good, so doing something to improve your look is not only in the benefit of your outside, but also in the benefit of your inside.

Here are our style resolutions ideas:

1) Work out at least three times a week. Working out, running or playing team or individual sports will not only make you look more toned and healthier, but it will also improve your attitude a lot.

2) Exfoliate your skin two or three times a week. If you exfoliate your skin, you will remove the bad cells from it, making you look fresher and younger every day. Just make sure that you don't do it too often.

3) Cut or style your hair regularly. Getting a haircut or a new hairdo every three weeks is a style resolution from which many men could benefit. Even if you won't actually do it every three weeks, remember to get it done as often as possible, regardless of whether you keep your hair long or short.

4) Have your clothes tailored. A good tailor can do more wonders for your attitude than any pills. Take some clothes to a tailor or have some clothes done on your size and you won't believe how impressed you will be by the power of fitting clothes.

5) Buy more or less. Some people buy more clothes than they can wear, while others are stuck with the same outdated clothes for the last 20 years. If you shop too much, it's time to cut down; but if you never buy beautiful clothes, maybe it's time to treat yourself to a couple of nice new things.

6) Try something new. Every once in a while, it is recommended to try new sartorial and styling things. They can be anything, from a color or a fabric you wear, to dying your hair or getting a new haircut. Your style can't evolve if you don't do things differently, and your style should always develop. There's nothing wrong with that.

Taking on new style habits might not be the easiest thing in the world, and you might skip them sometimes, but you should always encourage yourself and continue from where you left off or take it from the beginning. Taking a break or starting over is better than not doing anything at all. You should always do your best to be the best version of yourself, and to anything you can to make yourself feel confident, strong and ready to go.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

P.S. We want to hear from you! What are your New Year's style resolutions? How has a habit changed your life? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!