6 Must-Have Car Cleaning Tools

By Mountain Publishing @mountainpublish

When it comes to cleaning your car and making it look brand-new, nothing beats paying the professionals to do it. Of course, if you're into doing it on your own, whether because you just love your four-wheeled baby too much or you're looking to save some money on the side, then you need to have the right tools for the job. Otherwise, you might end up giving your car a cleaning job that makes it look dirtier than it's ever been.

Here is a list of tools that you absolutely need to become a cleaning expert, at least when cars are involved.

Quick detailer

Basically a specially-formulated car cleaning fluid that comes in a spray bottle, quick detailer is a handy tool that lets you remove dirt, bird doings, contaminants, stains and other foreign substances from your car's paintjob, as well as give it an added shine. While nothing beats a bucket of hot soapy water and a sponge to scrub with, quick detailer is perfect for those times when you're out on the road and you want to ensure that your car looks its best the entire way. Definitely make room for this car cleaning tool in your trunk.

Microfiber towels

When it comes to cleaning your car, it's important to mop up all the moisture left in the washing and cleaning process, and to not let it simply drip dry in the hot sun. This can cause unattractive streaking as well as dulling the natural shine of the paintjob. It'll also make dust and other foreign particles stick to the surface of your car. To prevent this, finish every washing by wiping everything down with a microfiber towel. Microfiber towels are great for soaking up moisture and picking up dust or grime, thanks to the millions of tiny fiber strands dotting its surface. It's also gentle on delicate paintjobs.

A sponge or washing mitt

You can't work up a rich lather on your car's bodywork if you don't have a large sponge or washing mitt to scrub with the hot and soapy water, so make sure you have one in your car cleaning toolkit at all times. Try to look for those that are specially made for washing cars, as you may pick a sponge up that's abrasive enough to scratch up your paintwork. Also, rinse and wash the sponge before using, as foreign particles stuck to its dry surface could cause tiny micro-scratches on your paintwork if you use it directly.

Car soap

Washing your car wouldn't be complete without using soap to really get rid of all the muck and grime that's dried on its paintjob after a long drive. However, you can't just use normal, everyday soap that you use for washing hands or dishes-you have to use the kind that's formulated especially for cars. Otherwise, you run the risk of your car's finish being dulled, damaged, or washed out because of harsher chemicals. Only use car soap, no substitutes allowed!

Mini vacuum

Dust and dirt doesn't just get on the outside of your car, it gets inside as well, either carried into the interior through the soles of your shoes or through luggage being stored inside the passenger compartment. Don't let your car floor look like a sandbox! If you have all-weather mats, be sure to take them out and wash them regularly. If you only have carpeting, then vacuum dirt and debris up with a mini-vacuum. These can plug into your car's cigarette lighter slot and then suck up tiny pebbles, sand, grit and other annoyances. They're also small enough to fit neatly in your glove compartment or trunk.

Car Polish

For many of us, washing our car is usually enough to bring out its beauty and shine. However, for those of us who truly want to pamper our four-wheeled babies and make it look amazing, car polish is a must-have. Car polish, when applied correctly, gives the paintjob of any car a brilliant and lustrous shine. You don't need to do this after washing your car, however-once or twice every year should be enough.


Taking your car to a professional car wash is convenient and easy, but it can be costly if you do it too often. Besides, it's better to do it on your own from time to time, not only to save money but also to form a deeper connection with your pride and joy. Use the cleaning tools listed above and you'll have an easier time getting your car to look brand new again.