6 Ideas to Follow up with Your Customers!

By Bonsoni.com @bonsoni

Do you have any idea how much money is sitting in front of you and ndash; right under your nose? "What I mean is communication and relationship with existing customers.
"The bigwigs are just small strokes to keep shooting." - Christopher Morley
There are some basic things consistent, I recommend working with my new customers who want to build their business. One of the first things I have to do them, check their current client list. put customers into three different categories, as follows:
1. "A" list: are your ideal customers and ndash; You love, she loves you and ndash; you get paid on time and ndash; They give you testimonials and references & ndash; get the results they want. Keep them close and ndash; Love & ndash; communicate regularly with them.
2. The list of "B": There are customers who "might" be an "A" client and ndash; they just need a little attention and ndash; You!
3. The "C" list: There are customers that drain your energy and ndash; not paid on time, not put into practice what you offer or suggest that they are full of excuses. Punt YOU! THROW! To leave and hellip; And hellip; ..
Ok and ndash; Now that you've cleaned the house, let's talk about ways to make more money. It takes a lot more time, money and energy to attract new customers to feed the current customer base. Here are some ideas to help you build the relationships they already have.
Six ideas to follow up with your customers
Most of you know that I like to keep things only. Not much is needed, but it pays to be in contact with people and ndash; especially the people you love and you pay for what you do.

Idea 1: Send a "hot" letter (. Which is a technique I learned from my mentor, Fabienne) I am sure it has more than its fair share of Christmas newsy letters from friends and parents. Appreciation for me and ndash; I want to hear what is happening in the lives of the people I love. The "hot spot" is the same concept. On a quarterly basis to begin with, to send a letter to configure all know and ndash; all the world! Some content may include information about a new product that starts, the details of a program that has visited and how it will implement a part of what he has learned a succinct account of a customer with whom he has worked, and now has openings for "x" number of new customers, and so on. Make sure the letter has a personal touch, the person addressed by name, another co lored helmet and ndash; People are no longer "real" e. This will help you stand out in a crowd!
Idea # 2: Customer diarize birthday and send a card. You can use a service like "Mail Out Cards" use and ndash;. I highly recommend it if you already have these cards "his feet busy running" proper appreciation already a customer birthday with you in person so I like to choose the special cards to send to customers for birthdays and ndash and I love him, by what I would like customers are happy to receive a birthday card in the mail to send (and surprised) (remember to include two of his cards and ndash;!. aa follow for them and for them, because they are impressed with you well).
Idea # 3: Pick up the phone! When is the last time you have a call from a person offering a service? Take your time, maybe once a month (or more often, depending on the size of your customer list) and to make a call. "I'm just moving basis see how you do what works for you, what can I do to help / encourage support, etc.?")
Idea # 4: Send a postcard: It's so easy to find these days (or create) Postcards kind of motivation that can be sent via email. Request contact information about it is safe. Customers certainly maintain and ndash; and always reserved in a convenient location. Keep it simple.
Tip # 5: E-mail a copy of an article that is relevant and of interest to your client (s). It highlights parts of the article that you think would be something they can apply in their business and ndash; sign and ndash; "One might think that interest." Add a sticky note saying easy peasy!
Idea # 6: Add a new product launch! Is a smart business practices "market test" that starts something new. Invite your guests to a meeting of the discussion group; or to send a test version of the product. Let them know that you consider their opinion and be VIP ndash; and appreciate what they have to say. Get referrals from them and promote them where / but can be increased even your business.

I know it is money sitting on the table in front of your nose. It is easier for repeat business people they know, like and trust. Take the time to reach out and touch your customers "A" and "B" & ndash; and watch your business grow. (Be sure to ask for references!)

1. Check your customer list this week and range.
2. Measures relating to 'C' now customers and ndash; messy negative compensation in its database the negative clutter is to clear your head. Powerful!
3. Set the "basic idea that you hurry and call starts.

Put some of these basics in place and I guarantee that your business will grow almost immediately. If you reach out and touch and show that you care, develop confidence and courage to go ahead and re-invent the life and business you really want. It will be much more convenient and effective in the overall scheme of things.

Driving sales meetings interesting results

driving sales calls translates into an effective professional meeting sparks sales, which should follow the same structure and process as a professional sales call.
Have you ever attended a sales meeting in which he asked: "Which of h ... I here?" Well, you're not alone.
Most sales pitches since Monday morning ritual, as the management tells you how bad it can do everything, and what can be done now to improve things ... everything related to the reputation as much / more sales.
Tip: make your best sales managers?
You see, people, that's what happens in the minds of their representatives. And they have the right to think that.
These meetings are an opportunity for things from the top down. You know the type: Everyone is silent, afraid to say anything, or admit they do not belong to this or have stopped doing so, or who need help of any kind, or simply do not have faith in the manager.
Unfortunately, in most companies, this is as good as it gets! Then round things like: ".? What about John in his country something new to talk" And, you know, most of the time is the PYA substance that the administration wants to hear.
It is that your sales calls like?

At the end of your sales meeting, sales are his troops with a burning desire to satisfy your five advantages of the value of your company's mission to spread? Eh eh.
In other words, they have what they have tried to sell to the meeting? Or even buy the meeting itself?
You see, the development of its meetings should be less to do with what is or is random, and everything to do real life Triage does not work is not so good for people who want, or the introduction of new weapons to make your work easier and more complete.
Would not it make more sense? No closer to the sales process?
This is more than compliance and dealing with people.
It is the culture of team Mission and leadership with total committed participation of all of your team something they have to do the feeling that will be a part of the integral, and where the goals are, their careers , their families, their customers will benefit by default, your business.
It is not a feeling of belonging before a sale in the solution ,? You know what it does.
Each time you felt completely passionately committed to a concept that has, as presented them to someone I really like about?
Yes. Fully participates. Share, compassion, above all, how it will benefit the other person. True?Not that a working meeting, an opportunity for the company, its mission to its customers through their eyes, ears, nose, neck and hands ... the sale of its representatives?Otherwise his mercenaries did not buy the solution and to go there every day, while a job ... with the results of the companions to do a job.
You want your company?
During and after the meeting of the standard weekly sales, that's exactly what the company gets.
From today. This is what your sales pitch to take ... all of them.
a) Team Culture
b) teaching and training
c) to inform and lead to the Mission
d) Reaffirm your team is ready to fight in the professional sales process and their five best performances of value.
e) is the result.
Here's how.

a) Team Culture in Mission. Look at the Team Championship. You need to look to you and your people in the ever more successful examples model. Success breeds success.
How they are organized, structured and managed in the field and on the edge?
You have to follow a successful system, each player has a special responsibility, which eventually integrated into the global effort?
If you feel, provide in this sales team is indeed an important step above the rest, who created the team culture. team culture is the key to winning something.
In building a team culture, set its meeting mission reflects company.
This could be a time for everyone in the organization familiar with the concept of new and need. Now, this will require that the company has a mission and the mission includes a strong desire for your market area to operate in the normal expectation of customers.
You not have to be a big difference. It is sufficient that sales and marketing can view the mission and how best to consolidate the various equipment and simple culture.
This leads to seriously help establish the separation of the market, the front end best sales efforts to define new, higher plane first sales, higher price / earnings / income.

b) teaching and training.
Part of any successful team culture is to give your sales management and the belief that they have the best prepared and ready to be won.
Preparation wins championships. This makes them different and better.
Does anyone make a presentation summary of the model in its five advantages of value in response to the five most common needs, wants or desires the best "B" quality accounts and "C". Do this for each session with another player, including himself, every time.
First, some of these abstracts can be a bit macabre. That's the goal. But long term, they themselves will coach today for better performance and results.
A team culture is based on the growing success should always be your only goal.

c) inform and lead to the Mission.
Make built their meetings through the guidance of real substance, the needs of your sales staff meet the same questions, ask your customers to respond to them, your company and your products? "What", "What is it for me? -The".
An intelligent approach would be to control your GIS in the conference room of the company to maintain its corporate ear to the ground for what their customers want, and that consequently, their representatives run on.
Thus, the meetings aim to improve the real problems with significant advantages of the best values ​​that can accept and pass on to their clients.
The only danger of this approach is that it can require communication in both directions.
This two-way communication should not be the master / slave manager / employee. Should / be professionally professional, where respect is mutual. This could be a breakthrough for most companies and their executives.
The best way to get a real approach based on leadership in both directions to establish is to take your meeting in a part of a round table, where nobody is responsible for everything in a room of the Board of Directors, pursuant with some of your sales calls, and everyone he is seated, including the moderator.

d) Reaffirm your team is ready to fight in the professional sales process and their five best performances of value.
Therefore, the state in which the meetings follows the process of professional selling. Yes. Prospection through monitoring. Use the whole process as the best example for their troops, if the sales process look like a call.
To have a chance of success, meetings should be of them exactly the same way that their efforts must reflect the needs, the needs and desires of its customers.
For the meeting and its best performance to be about them, not less than it would be for customers in retail, make sure they are fully involved. Commitment after participation.
f) results.

You must want two results.
i) A reason for living! One of the reasons for conquest and control to go over its territory. This is beyond "work". This exceeds the management. This exceeds the sales pitch. This is similar to nationalism. That is your job as his flag for all to see high wave and want to be part of. I think it's impossible? Only if you believe it is!
ii) Something they can make in the field and increase their closing ratios conversion passionate sales professional calls only five major advantages of the resulting value of the price / earnings / income for sale.
It captivates me? Passion reflects the culture club, Mission. If so, follow sales. If they do not, sales have not. Passion is simply a matter of leadership.
If your sales team has its mission in their souls, their sales talks reinjection of passion and desire and unity of purpose and less garble in statistics and management style characterless needs are PYA growth. This stuff goes in one ear and the other ... or should.
Know when his troops under fire. It is necessary and follow the guide. Leadership is about the team, culture and mission.
Leadership is great teams with great culture and mission.
If your sales team to get better results, you need to show convincingly that understands and sympathizes with what, not being but through words through constant and active participation with what is really happening in their areas and you and make your work easier and better.
Increase the qualitative value of its meetings for your team. You can not win!
A better sales, more sales, just increase your retention rate business customers because it helps their representatives can help their customers stay on board, its price is higher, and the benefits are much better.
It all starts with a resale value better professional meetings.
By last.
Question: Can a good professional meetings more effort is required to prepare vain sell more time and cost more money to remove it? Eh eh.
Answer: It is a good motivation, better trained sales staff seems right in their meetings and professional sales process for its close calls conversion and more sales at higher prices produce .. even if only a few percentage points plus.? You bet.