6 Best Residential Proxies 2023: Which One Is Best?

Posted on the 21 August 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

If you’re looking for the best residential proxies, I’ve got something great for you. Check out the list below – it’s like your special guide.

I’ve tested and checked these proxies to make sure they’re really good. They’ll make your online stuff better, and you can trust them. So, take a look and find the perfect residential proxy for you!

6 Best Residential Proxies 2023

I have made a detailed list finest choices for residential proxies.

1. Smartproxy

Smartproxy is hands down my top pick for getting the best bang for your buck with residential proxies. I’ve been using it, and let me tell you, it’s like a gem in the world of proxies.

First of all, their proxy pool is massive – 40 million strong! It’s like having an army of proxies at your disposal. And the best part? You can choose from 195 countries around the world and target specific cities or states.

The cool thing is, it’s not just about quantity. The proxies perform like a dream – super fast and reliable. Imagine needing data from Paris, France, or New York, USA – Smartproxy has got you covered.

Whether I’m scraping data or just browsing, Smartproxy’s proxies handle it like a champ with a success rate of 99.43%. Plus, they’re always there to help with their award-winning customer support, available 24/7 through chat or email. It’s like having a proxy superhero on speed dial.

What’s even better? Smartproxy keeps things affordable. Starting from just $8.5 for 1 GB, it won’t break the bank. And they’re so confident you’ll love it that they offer a 3-day refund option if you’re not completely satisfied.

The only tiny drawback is that you can’t target specific carriers or ASNs, but honestly, that’s a small trade-off for the incredible value you’re getting. APIs, extensions, anti-detect browsers, and loads of guides make it like having a proxy toolkit at your disposal.


  • A huge proxy pool of 40 million proxies
  • Supports HTTP(S) and SOCKS5 protocols
  • Available in 195 locations worldwide, including countries, states, and cities
  • Flexible rotation options – every request, or every 10 or 30 minutes
  • Award-winning 24/7 support via chat or email
  • You’ll also find APIs, browser extensions, anti-detect browsers, and detailed documentation
Get Started With SmartProxy Now

2. Bright Data

Bright Data are like the big boss of proxies. I’ve tried them out, and trust me, they’re seriously impressive.

They’ve got a massive collection of 72 million rotating IPs. It’s like having a ton of secret codes to access different websites. What’s really cool is that you can target specific places like certain areas or codes.

But here’s the cool part – Bright Data works super well when there’s no limit. They’re like superhero proxies when they’re at their best. And if you’re into controlling things, they have a tool that helps you manage the proxies like a pro.

Now, here’s the thing – they’re not the easiest for beginners. If you’re new to proxies, it might be a bit confusing. They primarily focus on helping big businesses. So, if you’re a pro, this could be your go-to.

Regarding how well they work, they’re really good – almost 99.17% of the time! And they’re super quick too, responding in just over a second.

In terms of money, they’re a bit on the higher side, starting at $15 for 1 GB. But if you’re serious about using proxies, it’s worth it. Businesses even get a free weekly trial, and individuals get a 3-day refund option.

Bright Data might be a bit advanced, but if you’re up for a challenge and want the best performance, they’re a solid choice. They’re like the superheroes of proxies – if you’re up for the adventure, you’ll have some serious proxy power!


  • A huge pool of 72 million monthly IPs
  • Works with HTTP(S) and SOCKS5
  • Available in every country and city, with targeting options for ASN and ZIP codes
  • Rotates proxies for every request, and you can customize sticky sessions
  • Always there to help 24/7 through live chat, tickets, or your own account manager
  • Extra perks like API, browser extension, Proxy Manager, and lots of documentation
Get Started With Bright Data Now

3. Oxylabs

Oxylabs offers a whopping 100 million IPs. It’s like having a gazillion secret passcodes to access the internet. And guess what? You can pick any country, city, and even specific places like ZIP codes. It’s like having the key to every digital door.

But it’s not just about quantity. These proxies are like speed champs, super stable, and can handle a ton of stuff. Whether it’s scraping data or other online tasks, they’re like the superheroes of proxies. And they’re so good that you’ll have a success rate of 99.61%, almost perfect!

The cool part? You’re in control. You can rotate these proxies for every request or even keep them sticky for up to 30 minutes. It’s like a magic trick for staying hidden online.

Now, here’s the thing – Oxylabs is like a pro-level tool. If you’re new to proxies, it might be a bit tricky to start with. And yes, it’s not the cheapest option out there, starting from $15 for 1 GB. But believe me, if you’re serious about proxies, it’s an investment that’s totally worth it.

They’re super supportive too. They’ve got your back 24/7 through live chat and even a dedicated account manager.

As an added bonus, you will receive APIs, browser extensions, and a wealth of guides to help you get started. For instance, their API access allows you to easily integrate your proxy service with your programs to manage or automate your proxy activities.

Awesome features that Oxylabs brings are:

  • A whopping 100 million IPs every month
  • Works with HTTP(S) and SOCKS5 protocols
  • Available in every country, loads of cities, and you can even target specific places like ZIP codes
  • Proxies rotate for every request, and you can make them sticky for up to 30 minutes
  • Get help 24/7 through live chat and a dedicated account manager
  • Enjoy extras like API, browser extension, and tons of helpful guides
Get Started With Oxylabs Now

4. Infatica

Infatica proxies are like the go-to for businesses when it comes to proxies. I’ve explored their features, and there’s some serious power here.

They’ve got this network of 10 million residential IPs. It’s like having a super-secret connection to the internet. You can target around 150 countries, and they even offer city and ASN targeting if you ask.

Now, here’s the cool part – you can run as many tasks as you want, no limits. And the rotation options? You’ve got the freedom to make them switch every time you ask, or anywhere between 5 to 60 minutes. It’s like having a proxy that dances to your tune.

I’ll be honest – we did experience a bit more connection issues compared to the top options. But here’s the trade-off – Infatica’s IPs cost less when you’re dealing with a lot of them.

It’s like getting a big discount for bulk shopping.  For example, if you need 1000 IPs and are willing to risk a few connection issues, Infatica can provide them at a much lower cost than the top-tier providers.

Now, there’s a catch – they don’t do pay-as-you-go. It’s more like a planned thing.

When it comes to performance, they’re good. The success rate is about 95.95%, and the response time is around 1.2 seconds.

Pricing? Well, it starts from $96 for 8 GB, which is like $12 per GB. They’re pretty upfront about it and even offer a 3-day trial for just $1.99. It’s like trying before you buy but without a lot of risk.

Features of Infatica proxies:

  • 10 million IPs each month
  • Works with HTTP(S) and SOCKS5 protocols
  • Available in 150+ locations, with targeting options for country, city, region, and ASN
  • Rotate proxies for every request or set between 5 to 60 minutes
  • Get help 24/7 through tickets, chat, or email
  • Comes with extras like lots of documentation
Get Started With Infatica Now


I want to tell you about SOAX – they’re like the middle ground between affordable and premium proxy providers. Here’s what I found out about them, and it’s pretty cool.

They’ve got around 5 million residential proxies. Just like Smartproxy, they’re all about the balance of value and performance.

Now, here’s where things get interesting – they’re like the masters of rotation. You can make the proxies change with every connection request, or even set a custom timer.

Plus, you can stick with the same IP until it’s time for a switch. And guess what? They’re super flexible with targeting. You can go beyond just countries and pick regions, cities, and even ASN without any extra charges.

But there are a few technical quirks – like using HTTP(S) traffic over SOCKS5 and needing to whitelist IPs. Also, their port options are a bit limited.

Now, let me tell you how I used SOAX. Once, I needed to gather data from different regions for a research project.

With SOAX’s targeting options, I could easily switch between IPs from different cities and even regions. It made my research smoother and quicker. It’s like having a tool that adjusts to what you need, exactly when you need it.

Now, the pricing starts from $99 for 8GB and 300 ports. They’ve even got a 3-day trial for just $1.99, so you can test the waters without diving in all the way.

Features of Soax Proxies

  • Around 5 million proxies every month
  • They handle HTTP(S) over SOCKS5, which is like the backstage pass for your internet traffic
  • Available in 150+ locations, you can target countries, cities, and more
  • Play around with rotation timing – from 90 seconds to 600 seconds, or even your custom settings
  • They’ve got your back 24/7 through live chat and tickets
  • And there are some extras too, like a limited API, direct node access, and even a customer success manager
Get Started With Soax Now

6. Rayobyte

Rayobyte proxies are well-known for their datacenter proxies, but they also have these super functional residential addresses. It’s like having a secret door to the online world, just like having a magic key that can unlock many doors.

Now, here’s the thing – Rayobyte covers more than 150 countries. You can even zoom in on specific cities – it’s like having a map with pinpoint accuracy.

They’ve got a unique way of pricing too – you only pay for the amount of internet traffic you need, and it’s like keeping a jar of internet that you can dip into whenever you want.

But there are some downsides – they don’t support something called SOCKS5, and their proxies are a bit on the slow side. Also, their rotation settings are a bit inflexible.

The IPs change every time you connect, and you can keep using them as long as they’re available. There’s no option for custom timings here.

Starting with Rayobyte can cost you as low as $15 for 1 GB. They even offer a 2-day free trial with 50 MB so you can give it a whirl without spending a penny.

Let me share my experience with Rayobyte.  I had a project where I needed to collect a lot of data from different websites.

Now, the thing with data collection is that websites often have restrictions to prevent bots from scraping their information. But with Rayobyte’s proxies, I had a way around that.

I set up the proxies from Rayobyte and used them to access the websites for data scraping.

Since the proxies rotated with every connection request, it made it much harder for the websites to detect that I was using a bot. It was like having a different identity each time I accessed a site.

Now, even though Rayobyte’s proxies are a bit slower compared to some others, the fact that they don’t expire was a game-changer for me.

I didn’t have to worry about losing my proxies in the middle of my data collection process. It’s like having a reliable partner that’s always there when you need them.

The pricing model also worked well for me. Instead of paying for a subscription that might expire before I finish my project, I bought the amount of traffic I needed.

This way, I could use the proxies until I used up all the traffic I paid for. It’s like having a prepaid plan that you can use whenever you want.

Features of Rayobyte:

  • They’ve got a big pool of proxies, but we don’t know the exact number
  • They use HTTP(S), which is like the language your browser speaks
  • They’re available in more than 150 locations, and you can even aim for specific cities
  • The rotation is a bit fixed – every connection gets a new IP, and you keep it until it’s gone
  • You can reach out to them 24/7 through email, tickets, or live chat
  • And they’ve got some extra stuff too, like guides to help you out
Get Started With Rayobyte Now

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Best Residential Proxies 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of proxy providers, these options offer a range of features to suit various needs.

From the wide coverage and user-friendly experience of Smartproxy to the extensive capabilities of Bright Data and the performance-focused approach of Oxylabs, there’s something for everyone.

Additionally, the flexibility of SOAX and the unique non-expiring subscription of Rayobyte showcase innovative approaches to proxy services.

Whether you’re a business seeking top-notch performance or an individual with specific requirements, these providers bring a diverse set of features to the table.

Remember, the best choice depends on your goals and preferences.

So, explore the details, consider your needs, and find the proxy provider that aligns perfectly with your online endeavors. And do let me know your experience with the proxy you select.