6 Best Must-Install Plex Plugins

Posted on the 23 July 2021 by Pranav Rajput @PROnavrajput

Plex is a media player that is available for computers as well as several network-attached storage devices. It is a robust and easy to use piece of software that will stream all of your media files to most of your devices, whether they’re on your network or somewhere else. By installing the Best Plex plugins, you’re able to expand its functionality and level up your streaming game.

Plex gives you one place to find and access all the media that is essential to you. You can enjoy a wide range of media from personal to podcasts, web shows, news, and more, all in one app, on any device. In case you want to stream third-party content such as podcasts, web shows, and music, then you only need to have an account and install the app on your phone, Smart TV, Computer or open up the web app.

However, if you want to set up your personal media server, you will first have to install and run the Plex Media Server on your computer where your media files are stored. Then add media libraries by type of content, and Plex will automatically catalog it. After which you can download the Plex app on any of your devices, be it your tablet, smartphone, Smart TV, game console, or any browser and enjoy your files anywhere, anytime. Before we move onto best Plex plugins make sure you check out best apps for amazon firestick.

How and Why should you use a Plex Plugin?

The advantage of using a Best Plex plugin is that it provides flexibility and enhanced controls to improve user experience. It provides access to several of your favorite web services and Live TV on any of your devices. Unfortunately, due to a recent upgrade, Plex no longer offers Plugin Support.

Do not be upset; Plex plugins are still available manually through the process of sideloading. The procedure to sideload Plex Plugin is as follows:

  • Download the Plex plugin of your choice.
  • Since it is a zip file, you will have to extract the data.
  • Copy it in your local Plex Media Server Plugin folder.
  • Ensure that the file is in the “.bundle” format.
  • Once the files have been extracted, you can restart Plex and access your new plugin.

Best Plex Plugins/Addons:


It is the most popular and widely used Plex Plugin. It is a PlexStore which offers apps for the Plex Media Server. It is host to unofficial Plex Channels and user-generated content, which can be accessed on a separate IP.

Since it is an Unsupported Appstore, it is advisable to set a password for it via Plex. It assists in logging, subtitle management, playlist management, and it also has a tool that can scan missing media. WebTools has the same credentials as Plex.


This is a handy plugin that lets you experience Live TV on your device through the Plex Media Server.

It is more like cable TV, where it processes content from a variety of sources online and passes them on to the Plex Server. You can watch pretty much anything from movies, news channels to sports, and more.


FilmOn is a must-have Plex Plugin as it integrates TV channels from several countries regardless of your geographical location, and enhances your streaming experience.

With this plugin, you can view almost any channel in Standard as well as High definition. It boasts of 600+ live TV streams, remote DVR capability, and also no ads on live programming.


Most of us use subtitles while watching our movies or shows from other countries. Sub-zero ensures that you do not miss any dialog while watching your favorite Tv series or Movie.

It is a Plex plugin that generates subtitles for your movies. It gathers subtitles from 10 individual subtitle provider sites and API. If in case, the subtitles do not work, you can find SRT files online and manually provide it to Sub-Zero.


This plex plugin here is for all Manga enthusiasts. This plugin routes manga from its original site. the plugin is available on WebTools, and you have to install it to access your Plex Media Server. This plugin creates an interface to read Mangas on Plex rather than visiting the site.

BBC Iplayer

If you enjoy watching British content and media, this is an apt plugin for you. It provides access to the UK content and the latest BBC sources. All of its content is available in high definition.

Conclusion: Best Plex Plugins 2021

These are just a few of the Best Plex Plugins, while there is much more available for different purposes. Plex is so very convenient and easy to use, it’s one of the best media servers out there. If you liked our article make sure to give our budget investment guide a read.