For many, looking young means using different beauty products and even undergoing cosmetic procedures. All these will certainly allow you to have great-looking skin that won’t fail to impress even the most baby-faced individual you know.
But to have young-looking skin that defies your actual age, you don’t have to immediately resort to buying expensive skin care products and invasive cosmetic procedures. You can start maintaining and improving your skin by boosting your intake of essential anti-aging nutrients.
Here are six anti-aging nutrients you need to have in your diet and natural supplements you are taking every day:
1. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is made up of two elements: carotenoids and retinoids. Retinoids and their derivative, retinol, are ingredients typically listed on labels of skin products. Using topical skin care products with vitamin A and its derivatives can reduce wrinkles, roughness, and the darkening of skin or hyperpigmentation.
When you consume the right amounts of vitamin A, you will improve the texture, elasticity, and moisture level of your skin. You will also boost the development and maintenance of the epithelial tissues or the lining of the eyes and skin. In addition, by consuming the recommended amount of vitamin A, you will hasten wound healing.
A deficiency in vitamin A, on the other hand, can result in a dry, flaky complexion. And this will make you look older than your age.
To boost your intake of this nutrient, eat more carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and bell peppers.
2. Vitamin C
This nutrient is considered by experts as the most important antioxidant that can reverse the effects of aging.
Vitamin C can effectively reverse the harmful effects of UV exposure. It does this by neutralizing free radicals and stabilizing the structure of the collagen in your skin. These two processes will make your skin more beautiful and youthful-looking.
This nutrient alone can help improve your skin. When paired with vitamin E, your skin will experience more benefits.
Some of the vitamin C-rich foods you should include in your diet are lemons, grapefruits, tomatoes, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables.
3. Vitamin E
As already mentioned, vitamin C works double time with vitamin E to give you healthy, glowing skin. This is because these two nutrients work together to protect cell membranes and enzyme sites from the damage they can incur from free radicals.
On its own, vitamin E is easily absorbed by the skin cells thereby protecting them from the harsh effects of lipid peroxidation which causes cell damage and the destruction of collagen.
A deficiency in vitamin E can lead to your skin looking dry and aged.
Vitamin E is present in almonds, avocados, hazelnuts, and green leafy vegetables.
4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
This type of good fat has always been heralded for its role in improving and maintaining good cardiovascular health. Various studies also show that this nutrient can help you maintain healthy skin.
Omega-3 strengthens cell membranes to make them more powerful barriers against harmful substances. In addition, they also improve the cell membrane ability to absorb nutrients and maintain hydration.
These effects will give you softer, supple, and glowing skin.
Some of the foods rich in omega-3 are tuna, salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds.
5. Polyphenols
Polyphenols are potent antioxidants found in green tea, apples, cherries, almonds, beans, dark chocolates, and red wine.
This type of antioxidant can reduce skin inflammation due to UV exposure, DNA damage, and oxidative stress. It can also help prevent skin cancer.
The polyphenols from green tea can also help the body undergo a detox cleanse where toxins are flushed away to help give your skin a cleaner, healthier, and glowing look.
6. Collagen
Collagen is a type of protein naturally found in the connective tissues, cartilages, bones, tendons, and nails. The human body produces collagen but production typically slows down as a person ages.
If your body has enough collagen, you will have fewer wrinkles and have dewy, young-looking skin. As a result, it will reduce the signs of aging.
To ensure your body isn’t lacking in collagen, increase your intake of fatty fishes such as tuna and salmon, red and dark green vegetables, berries, and citrus fruits. There are also a number of collagen supplements which include collagen bars and powders which will help rejuvenate the skin from the inside-out.
If you want to erase the signs of aging on your skin, start having a healthier diet. And if you can’t get these nutrients from the food you eat daily, make sure you get them from the supplements you are taking.
About the Author
Dave Asprey is the creator of the widely popular Bulletproof Coffee, host of the #1 health podcast, Bulletproof Radio, and author of the New York Times bestselling book, “The Bulletproof Diet.” Through his work, the Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur provides information, techniques and keys to taking control of and improving your biochemistry, your body and your mind so they work in unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what you’d expect, without burning out, getting sick, or allowing stress to control your decisions.