5th Annual Unist’ot’en Action Camp Registration

Posted on the 09 July 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from Unist’ot’en Camp

There is still time left to register for the 5th Annual Action Camp.

Please copy and paste the form below, fill in your details and email it to fhuson (at riseup.net


5th Annual ‘Unis’tot’en Environmental Action Training Camp for Grassroots First Nations
Wednesday July 16 – Sunday July 20, 2014
‘Unist’ot’en Bi Yintah (Traditional territories of the “People of the Headwaters”)
66 km on the “Morice West” Forest Service Road, Wet’suwet’en Land
(Turn South from Houston BC along the Huckleberry Mine Road; turn right on Morice
River FSR Road at 27km; and Right again onto the Morice West FSR Road at 44km)


1. deadline for registrations is 4:30pm PST, July 11, 2014.
2. Registration fees must be paid in full before being admitted to the camp.

3. Registrants will be accepted via email.
4. Please make certified cheques payable to “Tse We di ‘Elth”
5. Registration fees are non-refundable. Substitutions are acceptable in writing by
July 11, 2014 or in person at the camp. Individuals substituting must provide a
completed registration form.
6. Confirmation of your registration will be sent to you within ten working days of
receipt of your registration.
7. If we receive your registration by July 2, 2013, your receipt will be sent to
you. After this date, your receipt will be included in your delegate package at the
camp location.
8. NSF (non-sufficient funds) cheques are subject to a $25 service fee.

REGISTRATION QUESTIONS: PLEASE email fhuson@riseup.net


First Name:
Last Name:



City: Province/State: Postal/ZipCode:





Please identify dietary needs (i.e.

**If you are NOT traveling on the bus, pay the camp hosts directly. If you ARE
traveling on the bus, the cost of registration ($100-400 sliding scale) includes
both transportation and a group donation for the camp registration fee. **

The Registration Fees include meals and snacks throughout the camp duration as well
as access to all sessions and course materials. (fee can be waived if register as

Registration before July 11, 2014 $50.00
Registration after July 16, 2014 $75.00

Certified check or money order payable to Tse We di elth
e-mail a scanned version to fhuson@riseup.net
** The hosts retain the right to refuse registrants or participants to the camp