55 Words by @AnuNande

By Pamelascott

55 WORD FICTION: the art of creating a complete short story in exactly 55 words. Anushree Nande's collection is 55 word stories compiled into an entertaining and fast read.


[Does something incomplete still qualify as a whole? STORIES]


(@UVPublisher, 1 October 2015, 30 pages, ebook, #popsugarreadingchallenge 2020, a book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics, bought from @AmazonKindle)



I'd never heard to the author before and I can't remember exactly how I came to here of this book. I see a review or a recommendation somewhere and managed to get it get it for free. I'm a fan of very short of micro fiction. I write a lot of it myself and I get pleasure from reading it. It takes a particular skill to write micro fiction. I find it a struggle to write 100 word stories sometimes so can only imagine the skill it takes to write something much shorter. I enjoyed every micro story contained in this collection. The stories are entertaining, cover a wide range of subjects and are all very different.