55 Most Inspiring Madonna Quotes (2021)

Posted on the 05 January 2021 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

Madonna is an American singer, songwriter and actress. She gained popularity in her music videos by pushing the boundaries of mainstream popular music and lyrical content into fiction, which became a fixture for MTV.

Last year, Madonna was nominated as Woman of the Year, and her speech is featured on the underside of this article after being given the award.

We have collected an incredibly inspiring and dynamic collection of Madonna quotes:

55 most inspiring madonna quotes

2. "Many people are afraid to say what they want. So they don't get what they want." - Madonna

2. "Ever since my daughter is born I feel the ephemerality of time. And I don't want to waste it on getting the right lip color." - Madonna

3. "I am because we are." We all shed blood of the same color. We all want to love and be loved. " - Madonna

4. "I laugh at myself. I don't take myself completely seriously. I think it's another virtue that people have to hold on to ... you have to laugh, especially at yourself." - Madonna

5. "I think the ultimate challenge is some kind of style and grace, even if you haven't got money, or stand in society, or formal education. I had a very middle, lower-middle class upbringing, But I identify people who are at some point in their lives struggling to survive. It adds another color to your character. " - Madonna

6. "If I wasn't there to rebel against all those old-fashioned values, I wouldn't have got out that way." - Madonna

9. "I'm not interested in being Wonder Woman in the delivery room. Give me drugs." - Madonna

9. "It is not my nature to just step back." - Madonna

9. "Never forget to dream." - Madonna

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9. "Power is being said that you do not love it and it is not destroyed." - Madonna

9. "There is no such thing as a perfect soul mate. If you meet someone and you think they are perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction. The cos your Soulmate is someone who pushes all of your buttons, urinates you on a regular basis, and makes you your "***". " - Madonna

12. "Better to live a year as a tiger, than a hundred as sheep." - Madonna

9. "Everyone loves you when they are about to cum." - Madonna

14. "I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art." - Madonna

15. "I've been Japanese in a past life. I'm pretty sure I was a warrior. I can't explain it, I know. I'm good at fighting - fighting with a big sword." - Madonna

16. "I think you can be boisterous and rebellious and still be strong and positive." - Madonna

17. "I feel like I'm taking people on a journey; I'm not just entertaining people, but giving them something to think about when they will leave." - Madonna
18. "I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know what I want. If that makes me a bitch, it's okay." - Madonna

19. "Listen, everyone deserves my opinion." - Madonna

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20. "No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you came from, you can always change, be a better version of yourself." - Madonna

21. "Sometimes I look back at myself and remember the things I used to say, or my hairstyle, and I used to do kringes." - Madonna

22. "Things were very simple in Detroit. I didn't care anything about boyfriends. - Madonna

23. "Catholicism is not a pleasing religion. It is a painful religion. We are all shorts for punishment. - Madonna

24. "Everyone probably thinks that I am a paranoid apostle, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is that I will read a book." - Madonna

25. "I am rich and famous. I have a talented and gorgeous husband and two beautiful children. I could go. " - Madonna

26. "I sometimes feel that I was born to live by my name. How can I be anything else but I am named Madonna? I must have either finished a nun or this. " - Madonna

27. "I want to be like Gandhi and Martin Luther King and John Lennon but I want to be alive." - Madonna

28. "I would love to be a memorable figure in the history of entertainment in some sexual, comical, tragic way. I would like to leave the impression that Marilyn Monroe has aroused many different feelings in people. " - Madonna

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29. "I have been popular and unpopular, successful and unsuccessful love and relaxation and I know how pointless it all is. So I feel that I am free to take whatever risk I want." - Madonna

30. "My father was very strong. I don't agree with the many ways that he brought me. I don't agree with a lot of his values, but there was a lot of honesty in him, and if he didn't ask us to do something, he didn't. " - Madonna

31. "Only when I'm dancing I can feel it free." - Madonna

32. "The last thing I want is to raise a brat. We can definitely go down the wrong road. I don't want Lola to have everything she wants. I want him to appreciate things and not by guess. I want him to have manners and social grace. " - Madonna

33. "To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. Just to give. It takes courage, because we do not want to fall on our face or leave ourselves open to hurt. " - Madonna

34. "Children always understand. They have an open mind. They have in-shit detectors. " - Madonna

35. "Fame is a by-product. Fame is something that should happen because you do the work that speaks to people and people want to know about your work. Unfortunately the personality of the people has changed the work and the artistry And this is now something that stands on its own. I don't think anyone should aspire to be famous. " - Madonna

36. "I feel just as hungry today as I did the day I left home." - Madonna

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37. "I stand for freedom of expression, who believe in you and are going after their dreams." - Madonna

38. "I went to New York. I had a dream. I wanted to be a big star. I did not know anyone. I wanted to dance I wanted to sing. I wanted to do all those things. I wanted to make people happy. I wanted to be famous. I wanted everyone to love me. I wanted to be a star. I worked really hard and my dream came true. " - Madonna

39. "I am not a feminist, I am a humanist." - Madonna

40. "I've never really lived a traditional life, so I think it's very silly for me or anyone else to think that I'm going to start making traditional choices." - Madonna

41. "My child is not for public consumption. This is not a career move. It is not a performance to be judged or rated. Nor is my role as a mother." - Madonna

42. "People think they will wake up one day and I will leave. But I am never going away. " - Madonna

43. "The worst thing about being famous? I think this is what everyone says... lack of privacy and the idea that you are not really allowed to make mistakes and that everything you do is all under a microscope. " - Madonna

44. "For me, the whole process of having a brush stroke in someone else's painting is a bit difficult" - Madonna

45. "I am hiding deep in my heart what I am longing to say. Confessing what I am feeling - you will slip away in panic. - Madonna

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46. ​​"I always wished I could find someone as beautiful as you, but in the process I forgot that I was special too." - Madonna

47. "I have only one goal ever since I was a girl. I want to rule the world. " - Madonna

48. "I think my biggest flaw is my insecurities. I am very insecure. I am plagued by insecurity 24/7." - Madonna

49. "I would like to see Pope wearing his T-shirt." - Madonna

50. "I am not going to compromise my artistic integrity." - Madonna

51. "If I was a girl again, I would like to be like my fans, I would like to be like Madonna." - Madonna

52. "My priority is my family, absolutely, 100 percent." - Madonna

53. "The poor is a man whose happiness depends on the permission of another." - Madonna

54. "There are moments when I can't believe I'm as old as I am. But I feel physically better than I did 10 years ago. I don't think, oh my god I'm missing anything is. " - Madonna

55. "When I feel hungry, I eat. When I feel thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it. " - Madonna

Madonna's inspirational speech


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