52 Books in 52 Weeks

By Sjay235 @naturalmommainm
I don't read enough. Life gets in the way and, although I love to read very much, I never prioritise it and so I find I can go months without reading at all.
I posted last year about how I was having difficulty finding time for reading, and vowed to read more. I didn't do a very good job at all, and of the 10 books in the picture in that post I only got round to reading 6 - although I did read other books along the way as well.
I've had enough now - I want to read more! So, I am setting myself the goal to read 52 books in 2015. Not necessarily one every week - which is a good job as it's the 4th week of January and I've only just started! - but 52 books by the end of the year.

The type of books I read are certainly never going to set the world on fire - they don't win awards, nobody talks about them at dinner parties and they nothing deep and meaningful at all. I read 'chick lit' - the romantic comedy stories of the book world. But I enjoy them.
I'm hoping to keep you up to date with how I'm getting on as we progress throughout the year, but don't expect any highbrow books to be featured!
I'm hoping that reading more will go hand in hand with using social media less, which is a perpetual problem of mine. No matter how many times I say I need to step back, I never seem to do so.
So here is hoping this is the key to getting me back on track! 2 books down, 50 to go. Does anyone feel like joining me?