50k Training: What I'm Wearing, Eating and Running

By Brisdon @shutuprun
I'm sitting here eating cheese and yawning. What are you doing?
I haven't talked about my training much for this 50k (32 miles) on June 2, but just because I didn't brag out it, doesn't mean it didn't happen (double negative - sorry - I can do what I want on my blog). Actually, I have talked about it, just not on the blog. But on Instagram it's been a crazy party, so follow me HERE.
Suffice it to say that since February I've literally been running over mountains, through valleys and across streams. I've gotten really good at power hiking, squatting behind trees and breathing very loudly. "Fuck" has become a regular part of my vocabulary, especially when I look at an upcoming climb and wonder how I will muster up the energy to get to the top of it. Somehow I always do. I've found a tribe who pushes me without even knowing it (this basically means that they don't slow down, they are tough as nails and I want to be like them so I keep moving forward).

To give you a taste, here's the profile of Sunday's 12 mile run:

That climb up to mile 8 is one we call "Oh, for fuck's sake"

12 doesn't seem so far, but when you add in 3,500 feet of climbing, it's a lung and ass buster. This course is part of the 50k I'm doing, so it was good practice. We started at about 8,000 feet and wound are way through snow and across a stream no less than 15 times. All of this to say, trail running and road running have very little in common except for the running part. Everything else is different (the terrain, the muscles used, the strategy involved on the technical parts, etc).
How I'm fueling:  My stomach has been holding up really well as long as I drop the kids off at the pool before my run (aka pinch off a loaf aka drop a deuce). During the run, I've been inhaling whole wheat tortillas with smashed avocado and sea salt, Bobo Bars, GUs and Honey Stinger Chews. I've been getting really hungry on the run and since sometimes I'm out there for 5+ hours I've had to be careful about packing enough.

Supplements I'm taking: Not much. I sometimes take Sport Legs before a run and usually a few Salt Stick tabs before and during depending on how hot it is. I don't tend to drink an electrolyte drink while I run (just water) so I supplement with those. I've also been taking an amino acid (ARO3x Amino) after runs for recovery.

Miles I'm running: Typically it's been 45-55 miles per week. There's always a speed work out at some point and back to back long runs on the weekend. Last weekend was a 22 mile run on Saturday and a 12 mile run on Sunday. All of my long runs incorporate lots of climbing (2,200 feet to 6,000 feet) and are at elevation (anywhere from 6,000 feet to 9,000 feet). The race starts at 8,100 feet with the highest point being 9,500 feet with a total of 7,250 in elevation gain, so I want to be prepared.
Gear I'm using:
Hydration Pack: Orange Mud Endurance Pack VL
Trail Shoes: Salomon Speed Cross 4
Road Shoes: Nike Women RN Free
Sunglasses: Oakley and Goodr
Socks: Balega (I love the Blister Resist socks)
WatchEpson Runsense sf 810 (I was using a TomTom Spark, but the battery life is too short. The Epson can go for up to 13 hours/GPS without being charged).
Shorts/shirts: Whatever is clean

Plan I'm using: I'm using the 50k plan from Krissy Moehl's Running Your First Ultra. I highly recommend this book. It has training plans for 50k to 100 milers and incorporates lots of wisdom about workouts, fueling, injuries and recovery.

My goals for the race: Based on what those in my age group (50-59) did last year, I'm expecting to finish in 7 1/2 to 8 hours. The climbing in this race is no joke and it will be hot. The winner in my age group did it in 7:50 last year, with the first woman coming in at 5:50.
So there you have it. If you care. I've said it before and I'll say it again - one of the best things about running is there is always a new adventure around the corner. It never, ever gets boring. If I'm lacking challenge and excitement in other areas of my life, I know I can find it with running.