503 Distilling I’m Your Huckleberry Lemonade Review

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

It seems that these days, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a canned cocktail concoction. This one comes to us from Oregon City, Oregon's 503 Distillery and it has a rather amusing name. I'm Your Huckleberry Lemonade Cocktail is what they call it, and it clocks in at a mighty 11% ABV.

Here's a bit more information about this canned cocktail taken directly from the press release that landed in our inbox not so long ago:

Artisanal craft distillery 503 Distilling has launched a brand new flavor in its portfolio of ready-to-drink canned craft cocktails. I'm Your Huckleberry Lemonade features 503 Vodka infused with handpicked Idaho wild huckleberries and then blended with fresh-squeezed lemonade. The cocktail is packaged in single 12-ounce cans and four-packs."I'm your huckleberry" is a phrase from the Old West, meaning that a person is essentially up for anything. 503 Distilling found wild huckleberries-small, tart berries that taste like a hybrid of a blueberry and raspberry-to be ideal for complementing the company's handcrafted vodka along with fresh-squeezed lemonade for a thirst-quenching beverage."While huckleberry season in the Northwest is typically in late summer, our Huckleberry Lemonade is up for any season and can be enjoyed straight from the can all year-round," said Rusty Caldwell, co-owner of 503 Distilling.I'm Your Huckleberry Lemonade joins 503 Distilling's award-winning lineup of canned craft cocktails, including The Wicked Mule, The Blood Orange Greyhound, La Vida Mocha, and Five-0-Tea. The newest product's MSRP is $13.99 in Washington and Idaho, and $14.95 in Oregon.

Given the relatively high octane and tart-sounding description, this sounds like quite the sipper (as opposed to a chugger). To find out if it suits our palates, click the play button on the following video:

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Many thanks to Crabb Soup PR for sending us these very generous samples!

Categories: 503 Distilling, Booze Dancing TV, Booze Review

Tagged as: 503 Distilling, A Tasting at the Murder Table, booze, Booze Dancing TV, Canned Cocktail, Cocktail, Drinking, Liquor, Review, Reviews, Spirits, YouTube