So, I've been back on the blogging front for about a week or so now, and figured it was about time I revealed a little bit more about myself, my passions, my interests, that sort of thing.
My 'about me' page does cover the basics in a little bit of detail, but I thought I'd compile this massive post of all the things I feel you as a reader need to know.
Okay, maybe these aren't need-to-know facts, more like little quirks to help you to better understand me, my personality, and my blog, a little better.
1. We'll start with a basic one. I'm 21 years old, and live in a little town called South Shields, right on the North East coast of England.
2. I love where I live, but I often get the feeling there's something more out there for me.
3. I enjoy travelling, and exploring. I'm not so much of a beach holiday, getting drunk every night, lazing by the pool, sort of person. I prefer to visit places where there's a lot to do.
4. In addition to the above, I have super fair skin so anything even remotely resembling sunbathing turns me bright pink.
5. I get obsessed with films / TV shows / albums / people very very easily. To the point where it's a burden.
6. My favourite film is Inglourious Basterds, and my favourite director is obviously Tarantino.
7. I love cameras, and I probably own a good 7 or 8. I tend not to use them very much though, as I prefer to be in the photos, as opposed to the one taking them.
8. I still live at home, with both of my parents, and my younger sister. As a result of going to uni so close to home, moving out was an expenditure I never had to worry about. However, now that I'm graduating, I do intend to fly the nest!
9. I've been with my boyfriend for 6 and a half years (or thereabouts). I met him at school when I was 15 years old, and he's been my best friend ever since.
10. I'm a trampolinist. But not by any means a proper one. I started learning at the age of about 8, started competing at about 11 or 12, stopped for a little while when I went through that teenage phase of "oh, is it cool to exercise twice a week when I could be sat on a street corner with my mates?", but then started up again when I started at uni in 2011. I still train today.
11. Speaking of uni, three years down the line, completing my degree, and waiting to graduate, I still have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life.
12. I'm allergic to cats, and for that reason, I am undoubtedly a dog person.
13. I have huge passions for music, film and TV.
14. Since studying film at university, I've widened my scope a little as to which films will grab my attention, and which films won't. That being said, I still have never seen The Godfather, Citizen Kane, The Matrix, or Schindler's List.
15. I'm very conscious about my figure, posture, and how I present myself to others. I tend to dress only in band t-shirts, hoodies, and leggings or jeans, so I'm using the blog as a way of expanding my horizons, so to speak.
16. I love reading. I wish I had the time and patience to read more often. But deep down I am a TV and film kind of person. It's really a "why read about it when you can see it?" sort of thing.
17. Cliché alert: I am quiet at first, but will open up once you get to know me.
18. I know I shouldn't, but I always care what people think about me.
19. I didn't start learning to drive until I was 18, and passed my test at the age of 20, on my second attempt. Hilariously, I would've failed again if I had gotten one more minor.
20. I have serious issues with saving money. I don't get paid a lot to begin with, but money going on Spotify, Netflix, my Cineworld membership, car insurance, gym membership, and so on. I barely have any money left at the end of every month, and little to show for it.
21. I've never so much as smoked a cigarette. Not because I'm a totally goody-two-shoes or anything, it's just something that has never really appealed to me.
22. I'm not a big drinker either. I don't like beer, unless I'm already drunk. I don't like cider. I can't handle whisky or any other spirit really except Jaeger and vodka. And I can't really have alcopops because they make my teeth too sensitive. So basically, I exclusively drink vodka and mixer.
23. I really really really want to visit America one day. And when I go, I want to go all over the place. I've already planned a route.
24. I'd never been camping until I was 20 years old.
25. I've been driving for nearly a year now and I've still never had to reverse bay park.
26. I used to be incredibly insecure, and I'm not quite sure what happened to change all that, but I'm still incredibly paranoid. If I even think someone might have a slight dislike for something I've done, it will bug me for ages.
27. I am also the world's worst storm-off-er. People around me use this to their advantage though; they upset me, I huff for a few minutes, then try to straighten things out. I get it from my Mam, she always taught me never to leave things up in the air.
28. Speaking of my parents, I love my parents. That is, of course, another obvious one. I look like my Mam, but personality wise, I am my Dad.
29. My music taste is quite bizarre. I grew up listening to rock and metal from my Dad, but within the past few years, have really expanded my horizons, and gotten into more electronic, R&B, and rap/hip hop style stuff. For example, some of my favourite artists include, Funeral for a Friend, Skrillex, Bring Me The Horizon, Dillon Francis, Zedd, Calvin Harris, Arctic Monkeys, A$AP Rocky, Ellie Goulding, Fall Out Boy, Porter Robinson, What So Not, Cashmere Cat, and Sirah.
30. Most of the time, I wish I was a singer. I grew up thinking everyone wanted to be a singer, and only realised embarrassingly recently that not everyone does! So I could've pursued it, but alas I did not.
31. I always bite my nails. A few years ago I went through a really long stage of not biting them, and they were gorgeous. But ever since, whenever my nails grow past a certain length, I get all stressed and chew them off. It's gross.
32. When I was born I had a condition called Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). Which basically means my resting heart rate was 2-3x faster the the norm. I had treatment to correct it, but spent a lot of my earlier years in the hospital.
33. As a result, I've now completed a few small projects aiming to raise awareness and money for CHUF; the charity that funds the ward I spent most of my time on growing up.
34. I'm quite squeamish, but not in the conventional way. Death, blood, dead bodies, etc. don't phase me very much, but needles, even the thought of any cuts and bruises, and any sort of physical pain freaks me out to no end.
35. I have a few phobias. I am terrified of snakes. I hate being on boats and being around very deep water. and I hate even the thought of small, tight spaces.
36. I'm still clinging onto hope that one day I will receive my Hogwarts admission letter.
37. I wish my hair was longer.
38. Religiously, I identify as Agnostic. I was raised as a Christian, and parts of me would like to believe there is something bigger than myself, but I am wholly not sure.
39. Sometimes I am concerned by the things I am fascinated by. I love watching and reading about natural disasters, serial killers, crime, murder, death, and generally anything showing the darker side of humanity. I am really really interested in learning more about WW2, but I've never really picked up anything as of yet.
40. I have never lived anywhere except the town in which I grew up. and I've only ever visited Ireland, Spain, Greece, Croatia and France. (I've also driven through Switzerland and Italy on the way to Croatia). But I think that is why I want to travel so badly.
41. I can't handle spicy food. Not even a little bit. Nando's medium sauce physically hurts my mouth.
42. If I was a boy, my parents were going to name me Michael.
43. I desperately want my own pet turtle.
44. I wish I could play the guitar. I have attempted to learn the guitar three times now, and give up before I even get to a week of practising. My boyfriend, who plays guitar, has even attempted to teach me a number of times, to no avail. I also wish I could play the piano, and speak French.
45. I've never had a nickname! My Dad used to call me " Katie Tatie" when I was younger; a few people called me " Wilko" in secondary school; and I sometimes get " Kat ". But I've never ever had a proper nickname that everyone knows me as.
46. I hate talking on the phone. I prefer emailing, texting, even talking in person. Ugh, I just hate talking on the phone.
47. I don't even know what my natural hair colour is anymore. I've been dying my hair since I was 15. I've mostly just switched between blonde and brunette, (until I dyed it pink) but in between I've had streaks of blue, green (when the blue faded) and purple.
48. I can't cross my eyes, or click my fingers very well, but I can turn my tongue upside down.
49. I'm pretty sure I have a mild case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Especially when I'm stressed or at work.
50. The thought of growing up terrifies me to my inner core.
If you made it to number 50, congratulations, we're now pretty much besties.
Tuesday 24 June 2014, 4:17pm