50+ Creepiest Horror Movies

Posted on the 29 July 2012 by Rajtilak @rajtilak

We all want to get afraid, we all want to get scared. Sitting inside the movie theater, squinting our eyes, waiting for the sudden ominous music to scare us, we still yearn to know what's going on on the screen. Because we all love to get scared, because we all love watching horror movies.
So here is a list of the 50 most creepiest, scariest horror movies of all times. I have put a (*) beside all those movies that I have seen. I am sure being a fan of horror movies you must have watched some of them, but I challenge you to watch all of them, at night, with the lights turned off, all alone all by yourself. Are you game?
1. The Amityville Horror (1979) (*)
2. Evil Dead II (1987) (*)
3. Paranormal Activity (2007) (*)
4. The Omen (1976) (*)
5. 28 Days Later (2002) (*)
6. The Descent (2005) (*)
7. Friday the 13th (1980) (*)
8. 1408 (2007) (*)
9. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) (*)
10. Saw (2004) (*)
11. Psycho (1960) (*)
12. The Shining (1980) (*)
14. The Ring (2002) (*)
15. Alien (1979) (*)
16. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
17. Ju-On (2002) (*)
18. Poltergeist (1982) (*)
19. The Exorcist (1973) (*)
20. Jaws (1975) (*)
21. Dracula (1992) (*)
22. Suspiria (1977)
23. Rosemary's Baby (1968) (*)
24. When a Stranger Calls (1979)
25. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
26. The Mothman Prophecies (2002)
27. The People Under the Stairs (1991)
28. Session 9 (2001)
29. A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
30. Signs (2002) (*)
31. The Beyond (1981)
32. Cujo (1983)
33. The Crazies (2010)
34. The Hills Have Eyes (2006) (*)
35. The Changeling (1980)
36. The Sixth Sense (1999) (*)
37. In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
38. The Brood (1979)
39. Hellraiser (1987) (*)
40. The Devil’s Backbone (2001)
41. Pet Sematary (1989) (*)
42. Salem’s Lot (1979) (*)
43. The Mist (2007)
44. The Silence of the Lambs (1991) (*)
45. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
46. Rec (2007)
47. Halloween (1978) (*)
48. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
49. The Thing (1982) (*)
50. The Fly (1986) (*)
51. Silent Hill (2006) (*)
52. The Ninth Gate (1999) (*)
53. Resident Evil (2002) (*)
54. Pandorum (2009) (*)
55. Final Destination (2000) (*)
56. Jennifer's Body (2009)
57. Apollo 18 (2011) (*)
58. Drag Me To Hell (2009) (*)
59. Antichrist (2009) (*)
60. Sleepy Hollow (1999) (*)
61. Hostel (2005) (*)
62. Mirrors (2008) (*)
63. Thir13en Ghosts (2001) (*)
64. Gothika (2003)
65. Shutter (2008) (*)
66. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
67. Dreamcatcher (2003)
68. Ghost Ship (2002) (*)
Well, practically the list is endless. So why don't you tell me what have I missed. And ofcourse, there's something else. There's something missing in this list. Mind telling me what?