5 Ways to Take Care of Your Hair with Hijab

By Wonderland57

The beauty and elegance that a woman showcases while wearing an elegant Hijab are beyond beautiful. The struggles of setting the Hijab are not the only struggles Hijabi woman go through, taking care of your hair while staunchly wearing a Hijab every day is a big task.

Working women wear Hijab though out their day and their hair only get the chance to breathe or get in contact with the air when they are at home. So it is very important to take care of your hair especially if you wear Hijab as your hair are most of the time under your Hijab and whenever you get the time you need to nourish them.

Many people have this perception that wearing Hijab results into massive hair loss and oily hair. This is not entirely true. Hijab doesn’t lead to hair loss if proper care and attention are given to your hair and if you are wearing a comfortable hijab. However if you wear a hijab yet don’t give proper attention to your hair then it may lead to serious hair problems and tackling those issues can cost a lot. After all, dermatologists can be really expensive and getting an appointment also takes a lot of time. So a better option is to take care of your beautiful hair by leaving some habits and accepting some good ones in your daily life.

So here are the 5 super easy tips that would help you take good care of your hair and make it more beautiful and stunning:

Be gentle with your hair:

You need to be very gentle with your hair. Most of the women who wear Hijabs face the problem of receding hairline as they start wearing Hijabs and they have the misconception that the receding hairline is because of the Hijabs. This is not because of Hijab; in fact, it is because they tend to tie their hair very tightly while making a bun or a ponytail. The pressure that is applied due to tight ponytails is the reason that leads to a receding hairline and hair fall. Hijabis should not tie their too tightly or too high. An under cap should be used to stop the baby hair from popping out of your Hijab. So it is important to loosen your buns and ponytails. Don’t be harsh with your beautiful hair as it’ll hurt it. Hijabis tend to tie hair so tightly and high to create volume. But volume should never be the objective as such high scarves put a lot of pressure on head and neck and may result in severe strain and other medical issues.

Use a silk pillowcase:

Your hair is precious and they need’s care. Your hair is considered to be very sensitive and the traditional pillowcases create more fiction while you are sleeping which damages your hair. A silk pillowcase on the other hand reduces fiction due to its smooth surface and helps your hair from getting damaged. A silk pillow would also control the production of sebum in your hair. Sebum is the oil secreted by a gland in our scalp. The traditional pillowcases can soak the sebum due to their absorbent characteristic, which may seem beneficial, but in reality, it leads to more production of sebum as your scalp compensates for the oil lost due to the absorbent pillowcase.

Using a silk pillowcase helps in several ways:

  • Reduces split ends
  • Keeps your skin healthy as well
  • Doesn’t soak moisture out of your hair
  • It’s a soothing experience.

Be generous when it comes to oiling

Oil is very essential for the growth of your hair. Oil gives moisture to our hair and has to be a hijabi’s best friend to take good care of her hair. The amount of struggle to find time from our busy lives to oil our hair is real but a 20-minute oil session for your hair twice a week would show massive improvements in the strength and shine of your hair. If we do not oil our hair frequently then our scalp gets dry and also leads to split ends. Every girl should have a proper oil routine that she should follow. You should apply an ample amount of oil and gently massage it to open the pores on your scalp so that the moisture could be absorbed. The major reasons to oil our hair are:

  • Oil helps to increase the growth rate of your hair.
  • Oil helps to nourish the scalp and to fight insect/ lice bites.
  • Oil moisturizes dry hair
  • Oil is a straight solution to dull hair as it adds shine to your hair.
  • Oil fights hair loss and hair damages can also be repaired by frequent use of oil.

Never tie wet hair

This tip is really important as this is a very common mistake. In our busy lives, we are always on a run against the time. It becomes hard to give our hair ample amount of time to get dry, and thus most of us just tie our wet hair in a bun and then wear a scarf over it so that we reach our offices or institutes on time. So wearing a Hijab on wet hair is a complete no-no. Always dry your hair as wearing a Hijab on wet hair could cause a severe headache and this might also be a reason for a receding hairline and it’ll damage your hair massively. This may cause hair fall and would affect the strength of your hair too. Experts say that it is better to wear you scarf on dirty hair rather than wearing it on wet hair. There is no second thought about that. Use a blow dryer or just give your hair time to get dry and then wear a Hijab and rock it.

Here are the reasons why you SHOULD NOT tie your hair wet:

  • May cause itchy scalp
  • Would lead to hair loss and weak hair
  • It may cause dandruff due to too much moisture
  • It may make your hair dry and frizzy.

Choose the right hijab material:

This one is very important. Many Hijabi’s don’t know how to identify the material of scarves. At times we choose hijabs that are very stiff and hard and then our hair doesn’t get the space to breathe. Chiffon is considered to be a very good material for scarves as it is light and allows your hair to breathe. Moreover, Chiffon is not very expensive and you can find stylish hijabs in different prints and colors. There are hijabs which are made with a mixture of cotton and other materials like polyester. Jersey material is also very comfortable for hijabs. It is very durable and pinning it doesn’t take much time, and trust me that is a blessing. You don’t need to struggle much with a Jersey Scarf. Moreover, Jersey scarves give a very sharp yet elegant look to the whole attire and look super cool and trendy.

The right material for scarves also depends on the type of hair. Some materials don’t go very well with dry hair but compliment silky hair perfectly. So before making the choice of buying a hijab take the type of your hair in consideration and be very careful before buying random material scarves.