5 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste In Your Kitchen

By Sweetpeasandsaffron

Five ways to reduce plastic waste in your kitchen- single use plastics are filling up our oceans and killing animals. Here are five easy ways to reduce your plastic consumption in the kitchen.

Sometimes reading all the negative news about the destruction being wreaked on our planet, I feel helpless. If you are reading this, I bet you feel the same way. Let’s fight back!

If you have been following along with my Instagram stories, you might know that I’ve been on a kick in reducing my dependency on single use plastics.

When it comes to meal prep (especially freezer meals), it can be really hard to get away from disposable bags and containers. But after playing around with a few options, I’m excited to share some tips and products with you!

How to get started

While recycling is OK but the absolute best thing for our planet is to reduce our consumption. This means changing our habits. Putting in a little extra work. Retraining our brains.

Single use plastics are meant to be convenient, so reducing our dependency is not going to necessarily be super easy. We may need to get a little uncomfortable if we’re going to do this.

  • This post contains tips and eco-friendly products that have helped me reduce my plastic intake. You don’t need to run out and buy these products in order to reduce your footprint! There are tons of cheap (and free) options listed for you!
  • My hope for you is that you find one tip from this post that will help you get started. Just picking one thing and eventually adding on more is a great way to get started!

If you have a tip not mentioned in this post, leave it below in the comments. I’m always learning new things from you guys!

Continue reading: 5 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste In Your Kitchen