5 Ways to Keep Your Baby Safe and Healthy This Winter

By Momatlast @momatlast

Caring for a baby during the winter means enjoying the opportunity to see the wonders of the season through the merriment of a baby’s eyes. However, parents know that the dropping temperatures and dry air will mean adding a few new steps to their infant care routines. Here are five ways to keep your baby safe and healthy this winter so you can both enjoy the beauty of the season.

Schedule a Check-Up

Before winter arrives, it is best to schedule a check-up with your baby’s pediatrician. During the visit, your pediatrician can make sure your baby is up-to-date on any necessary vaccinations. This is also a good time to ask about any symptoms for which you should look that could signal a cold and at-home care you can provide to keep your baby comfortable.

Stay on Top of Home Maintenance

During the winter, you and your baby will be spending a lot of time at home. Take a good look around your house to identify any areas in need of some maintenance. Apply weather-stripping around your windows to eliminate cold drafts. Then, schedule a pest control inspection from a reputable company like Albuquerque pest control to make sure no little critters invade your house.

Avoid Seasonal Colds

Until their immune system is fully developed, it is best to keep babies away from crowded areas where germs are easily spread. At holiday gatherings and other social events, encourage loved ones to wash their hands before picking up your baby. If your baby’s primary caregiver gets sick, then try to make other arrangements for care until they are well.

Dress in Layers for Warmth

Dressing your baby in layers of clothing is the best way to help keep their body temperature regulated. This will ensure that you can add extra layers when going outside and remove them once you are in the warmth of an indoor area. Adding one more extra layer than an adult might need is a good rule of thumb for ensuring your baby’s comfort. However, always remember to remove bulky clothing before putting your baby into their car seat.

Pamper Their Skin

Fluctuating temperatures and drier air can cause winter babies to have dry skin and rashes. Keep skin issues at bay by bathing your baby less frequently in the winter. Then, be sure to massage their skin with lotion designed to pamper a baby’s delicate skin.

Keeping your baby safe and healthy this winter requires a little extra planning that will go a long way toward making sure they are warm and avoid seasonal illnesses. By arranging to make your home safe and selecting comfortable clothing, you can enjoy the winter knowing your baby is happy and secure.

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