5 Ways To Decrease Your Business’s Impact On The Environment

By Djridings @fivethingsnow


Every business has an impact on the environment. We all use paper, energy, water, and product waste. But we can all take steps to reduce that impact on the environment. Here, we're going to look at the most common sources of waste and how you can create a business that tackles them across the board.


Our workplaces are only getting more tech-filled, which can make it seem like energy use is only going to continue to grow. However, by investing in an energy assessment and consultation, you can audit the entire business premises and find where you're wasting energy. Things like leaving equipment on standby, neglecting to shut off power outlets, and not taking care of HVAC equipment can all make the workplace a much less energy efficient place and an assessment can help you identify these issues.


Many a business produces more paper than they need to. Not only does it cost that paper, but also the energy taken to print it, the toner, ink, and even the cost of providing storage space. Making your business paperless, as suggested by Docusign, won't only help make it more efficient and less wasteful, but can save you plenty of money, too. With a greater reliance on digital storage and Cloud backups, your business can drastically reduce its need for paper.


Water waste changes from business to business. For the office environment, simply investing in things like smart water saving taps and toilets can help a lot. For industrial and manufacturing businesses, however, water contamination is a much greater concern and one that services like Tristar Water Solutions can help with. Wastewater treatment such as reverse osmosis, media filtration, and the like ensure that far fewer contaminants get into the surrounding natural water.


What about the everyday waste that's produced in every work environment? Simply educating your team can make a huge difference, but it's also wise to ensure they have the resources they need to dispose of materials and waste more effectively. A consultation from teams like Sulo can help you ensure that recycling stations are more effectively placed around the workplace, for instance, so that it's always convenient for your employees to use them.


Employees aren't necessarily a source of waste but can be a great way to help combat it. Raising environmental awareness amongst your team is one thing, but some businesses are making a greater impact by incentivising it. Encouraging employees to contribute to green charities and even offering the occasional paid day off for them to get involved with fundraising or cleaning efforts in their local area can see your business contribute much more to the community, fulfilling your corporate social responsibility.

Besides the simple reward of helping to better preserve our natural environment, there are plenty of benefits of making your business eco-friendlier. For one, you might benefit from winning over the subsection of your market that are looking for sustainable products and services. It's time to consider how you decrease your business's impact on the environment.