5 Ways to Cope When Someone Dies

By Yourtribute @yourtribute

When someone dies, there of course will be a grieving process.  You need to heal and take care of yourself emotionally and physically.  Things do get better in time, however that’s not something that people tend to believe straight away.  You will normally think that there is no end in sight and can find it hard to find a way out of your grief.

We have put together some tips and advice as to how you can cope when someone close to you dies.

Keep up with the Traditions

Memorials and funerals will at first seem an incredibly difficult thing to attend and be a part of. In fact, you probably couldn’t imagine anything worse. However, they are essential to the healing process.  They allow you to say goodbye to the person that has died and will allow you to pay your final respects. It can be great closure for you.  You will also be surrounded by people who are also going through the grieving process.

Don’t be Scared to Let your Emotions Out

Sometimes you may want to keep it all in, but this can have a damaging effect.  If you feel like having a big cry, let that happen.  There is no need to stifle yourself.  Is there a specific song that brings on a memory and makes you feel emotional? Don’t worry about avoiding it – it’s natural.  It will become a little less raw as time goes on.  In the meantime, don’t be scared to open up.

Talk about it When you Want to

Sometimes people can feel that they are burdening others or bothering them with their grief – but that’s not the case.  Talk about your feelings to those who you feel close to, it can be cathartic – and they could have experienced something similar and be able to help you. You could even do something like write a poem or a song and dedicate it to them.  You can also join grief support groups, or you can get yourself an online grief coachto help you cope.

Keep your Memories

Your memories are incredibly important to you.  They are incredibly personal to you and the person that has died.  You can memorialise that person by doing something like plant a tree, arrange for a memorial bench at their favorite park – or even do some fundraising on their behalf. You can also do something like create a memory box.  Here you can keep some of your favorite photos, tickets to a concert you have gone to, lyrics to favorite songs – or else quotes that will make you think of them.

If you have lost someone close to you, make sure you take care of yourself. Don’t be afraid to open up and show people how you feel and get yourself the necessary support that you need.
