5 Ways to Beat Overwhelm Piece #Leadership #Business

By Djridings @fivethingsnow


Feeling overwhelmed? So have 81% of women in the last year, according to a recent study. Overwhelm kills your productivity, fries your brains, knocks your confidence and hits your performance and happiness big- style.

At Catalyst Collective, dealing with overwhelm is the #1 topic that comes up in our 1-1 coaching with our women leader clients. Of course, there are longer-term strategies to prevent overwhelm and keep you free from it. ease out the flow and workload and key conversations you need to have. But, if you are in overwhelm right now, you don't need a long-term plan - you need emergency help, right here, right now!

Here's our five-step first aid kit to help you beat overwhelm, feel spacious and get more done:

Overwhelm Tip #1: Know Your 'North Star'

What is the 'north star' for your life - your big goals - the things that are most important to you? Your big goals? When we know what these are, we can align our yearly plans, our monthly goals, and our weekly focus with this. Ask yourself every day, what am I doing that helps me shift towards my North Star trajectory?

Overwhelm Tip #2: Say 'YES', 'NO' and 'WE NEED TO TALK'

Do you know what is your full body YES? What are the most important things for you to focus your time and energy on achieving this year? This month? This week?

Clarify your priorities with whoever needs to be part of that conversation (your boss? your partner?). Keep clarifying and adapt where needed!

Then do your YES!

When you know your YES it makes it much easier to say no.

Once you are crystal clear on your YES (see tip 1!) It's then much easier to say 'no'. Do you know what you are saying 'no' to? Ask yourself - does this priority align with your big 'yes'? If not, it's a NOno! Say it politely and kindly, say it clearly, but definitely say it! Postpone, delegate, delete that thing off your list.

When you're clear about your 'no' and your 'yes' you'll find there are conversations to have! Who do you need to share these boundaries with? Who do you need to delegate work to? Say 'we need to talk' and go and have those conversations!

Overwhelm Tip #3: Take responsibility for your own energy!

You get to decide how you want to feel. You get to decide how you want to show up each day.

You are responsible for your own energy! Decide each day how you want to feel during today and CHOOSE Choose to feel the way you want to feel.

Overwhelm Tip #4: Reduce the 'noise'

What was the 'noise' that eroded your sense of peace and balance today? It could be relationships under strain, particular worries, circumstances that are bothering you, expectations you've put on yourself, the current political climate! Notice these, write them down, you'll start to see patterns.

When we can start to become more aware of what's taking up our thought life, w. We can choose to make changes or course correct where needed. Over time we can make more space for the thoughts and experiences that make us feel good.

Overwhelm Tip #5: Use an affirmation

Say an affirmation to yourself each day and see what starts to happen:

"I am enough." "What I have today is enough." "What I accomplish today is enough." "I have a lot on my plate at the moment, and I am capable and able to choose how I want to feel" "I can feel more spacious and get more done!" Written by Katy Murray and Fiona Smith at Catalyst Collective How can readers connect with Catalyst Collective?

Access our Working Women's Guide to Gender Bias and How to Beat It Here - a must-read for women and men to understand how bias plays out in every workplace and how to navigate it!

You can get your own free copy of Gender Pay Gap - What Next? here - it's packed with strategies and tips for leaders to make a difference to closing pay gaps.

Women leaders can join our How-To Beat Overwhelm, feel spacious and get more done webinar HERE

Our monthly webinars focus on your success without burnout. Join us for practical strategies to feel happier, train your brain for productivity, create a career plan, get more visible without feeling like a fraud and more http://www.catalyst-collective.com/howto

And receive our regular free leadership resources here.

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