5 Ways Facebook Pages Will Make You Look Professional

Posted on the 23 July 2016 by Lisa @Lisapatb

Facebook Pages

Facebook Pages are a must for any business today. Have you ever researched a company on Facebook itself to find out they don't have a Facebook page? How did that make you feel about that company? Did you wonder "why haven't they invested a little time or money to have a page on Facebook?"

Facebook is where people spend an average of an hour per day on their network. There are * 1.09 billion daily active users (as of March 2016.) That's a LOT of active users and time spent on Facebook. It's where your business wants to be today!

What Are Facebook Pages?

Every day I meet small businesses with my day job that do not understand the difference between a Facebook Page vs. their personal Facebook profile. Many realtors promote their business via their personal Facebook profiles and not with Facebook Pages.

Facebook Pages are for businesses, brands and organizations to share their stories and connect with people.

You can NOT friend a Facebook page. You must LIKE a Facebook page. Liking a page doesn't guarantee you'll see every post that page puts out. You must adjust your personal Facebook feed for that. See more on the bonus tip below.

When a user LIKES a Facebook Page, they can start seeing updates from that Page in their news feed. When someone likes or comments on a Page post, that activity may be shared with their friends, increasing the Page's exposure and reach. (at no cost.)

5 Reasons A Facebook Page Will Make You Look Professional

  1. Perception - People search for people, places and businesses right on Facebook now. If they see your business has a well thought out Facebook page, they will presume you are a professional.
  2. Mobile - So many people access Facebook now via their mobile devices. More viewers are viewing from their mobile device today vs. desktop or tablet. With a Facebook page you can be easily called, emailed or found on a map instantly! Having easy access to a business makes your business appear more professional.
  3. Authority - A Facebook Page with activity and likes will give the perception again that you are an authority in your niche. It shows you have a community and a brand that people like and engage with.
  4. Keeps You Current - A Facebook Page can keep your business looking current. You can post your recent events, sales, projects, etc. This keeps your brand current in your niche and to your potential clients.
  5. Brand Recognition - When you have a Facebook Page with your website it gives your brand more recognition. People will begin to recognize your logo, your name, etc.

What Else Can A Facebook Page Do For YOUR Business?

  • Search Engine Optimization Benefit - A Facebook Page is indexed well on Google and gives your website an added SEO benefit. My own business Facebook Page comes up #3 in search under Inspire to Thrive. If you do have a Facebook Page check out yours in Google search.
  • Insights - With a Facebook Page comes Insights - These isights will give you a better understanding of what your readers and customers like about your page or not like about it. This will help you post better content for your readers in the future.
  • Response Rate - See the green on this example above? It gives your response rate to people that message you via Facebook. A great referral if you respond quickly to inquiries.
  • Offers - You can now create offers right from your page! This is a paid Facebook service. When people click on your offer, they can either go to your website to start shopping or read more details about your offer. Your offer will also be saved to people's Offers bookmark in case they want to use it later. They'll get Facebook notifications about your offer before it expires. Of course you can target offers to a specific demographic too.
  • Generate Leads - You can generate leads from your Facebook Page. You can advertise your Facebook Page to generate leads and promote offers. There are many ways you can advertise via Facebook.

More Tips For Facebook Pages

Bonus Tip For Your Facebook Page

Check out page 6 and 7 of my slideshare too for more Facebook Page tips and tricks. Let your customers know they can adjust their Facebook's feed to see your page's posts first. I would offer this tip on your Facebook page each month if you are getting new people to like you page so they may adjust their settings.

Do you have a Facebook Page for your business or blog? Are you using it consistently? If you do not have one, why not? I'd love to know more about your Facebook Page in the comments below!

*Founded in 2004, Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them. - http://newsroom.fb.com/company-info/

Top image via Brenda Pace Designer.