5 Top Money Saving Tips From BAYV

Posted on the 04 July 2011 by Buyasyouview @BuyAsYouView

With news of economic doom and gloom all around us, it’s no wonder that we are all looking for little ways to save a few pounds here and there. So here at Buy As you View, we’ve decided to help you out by putting together 5 of the best money saving tips we could find to help you along the way…

  1. With more and more of us now having access to Smartphone’s (like iPhone and Android), it’s worth knowing about a great little money saving app called Petrol Prices Pro (www.petrolprices.com) which will search petrol prices within a 5 miles radius to help you get the best deal!
  2. When you are shopping online, it’s always worth checking www.myvouchercodes.co.uk to see if there are any current deals that could help you get money off or a better deal. Most promotional codes are only valid for a few days so it’s worth either subscribing to their email newsletter or bookmarking the site and checking it before you make any purchases.
  3. One of the biggest costs we face on a regular basis is the food shop which can be difficult, especially if the kids are shopping with you. Lots of extras seem to end up in the trolley and you can easily get persuaded to buy things that you don’t really need! A few ideas to cut costs in this area include planning your meals in advance and shopping online as you can only buy what you really need. We found this great site with lots of family meal ideas for under a fiver: –  www.goodtoknow.co.uk/recipes/258920/Meals-for-under-a-fiver which should help with the planning part!
  4. Check your benefit entitlements at http://www.turn2us.org.uk/ as many people are not receiving everything they are entitled to. This is particularly true with regard to pension credit where an estimated 2 million people who are entitled to it aren’t claiming! If you (or your family) don’t have access to the Internet you can visit the Citizens Advice Bureau where they can check your entitlements for you.
  5. Have you heard of Groupon? It is one of the fastest growing websites in the UK at present due to it being packed full of great deals. Here’s how it works…you register with the site (www.groupon.co.uk) and input your location. You then subscribe to the daily email newsletter which gives you a number of deals from local businesses, with anything up to 90% off the RRP. If you would like to take the offer up, you click ‘buy now’ and as long as a certain number of people have also taken up the deal (the exact number varies between deals), you get a voucher emailed to you which you can then use to get the discount! Groupon is definitely our favorite but there are a number of other similar sites out there too.

So there you have it – our best money saving ideas all in one! Don’t worry though, this is a theme that we will re-visit in the future as even as the economic climate improves, saving money is something we all appreciate, especially when we can use the money saved on little treats such as a great day out with the kids or a holiday!

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