5 Tips to Travel by Air with Your Baby

Posted on the 22 December 2014 by Women_tips @womentips2013

Travelling with a baby in tow can be a totally different experience altogether. I'm sure your already getting worried thinking of the trip. Will he throw up in the flight? Will he cry incessantly and disturb everyone else on the flight?

  1. Don't worry too much. If you plan your trip strategically you can avoid all the problems that can arise of travelling with your baby.
  2. Book your flight at a time when your baby is least cranky. Late afternoons and evenings are definitely the wrong time. Select a time that your child is most likely to fall asleep.
  3. Reach the airport well in advance of the scheduled departure, as with a child in tow, the check-in procedures land up taking extra time.
  4. Book a window seat for more privacy while nursing.
  5. At the time of check-in don't forget to ask for a bulkhead row that is usually reserved for disabled passengers. If you are lucky and there aren't any disabled passengers, you get a seat with a lot of space, where your baby can play on the floor once you're in the air.
  6. Check-in your pram at the gate of the flight. Most airlines permit this.
  7. Avail the option to board first. Most flights give you the option to board first so that you can get settled in easily without the bustle of the rest of the passengers.
  8. Don't forget to take all essentials for the baby in a bag that you can carry onboard with you. You never know! What if your flight gets delayed or even if you are stuck inside the plane for some other reason?
  9. At the time of take-off don't forget to cover your baby's ear with cotton. Nursing your baby or giving him a pacifier is said to reduce the pressure in the ears at the time of take-off.
  10. You can choose to hold your baby in your lap with a belt for the baby, or you can choose to buy a seat and seat your baby in a portable car seat. The option is yours. At the end of the day it depends whether your baby will sit still all alone in the car seat.

Hope you have a pleasant flight and your baby also enjoys it.