5 Tips To Complete Ultimate Wedding Day Emergency Kit

By Olga

When everything seems to be ready for your big day, it’s time to think of one more little detail: wedding day emergency kit. No matter how carefully you plan, there’s always a chance that something goes wrong. In an event that requires participation of many people, mild roadblocks are natural. You may be not able to prevent everything. However, it’s a good idea to prepare a bridal emergency kit that will help you take care of most of the unplanned emergencies. Expect the unexpected, and you are readyto face anything. And that’s why we came up with this handy guide on what to include into your bridal emergency kit. You are welcome to find out below!

How To Pack Your Ultimate Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Source: Instagram@suzannesdreamdesigns
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When developing your timeline, don’t forget to take time to add any problems that might arise. This list will help you decide what to include in the wedding kit. For instance, some of the most popular categories on your wedding emergency kit list include medical kit, beauty, and makeup, dress, and food and drink. These categories will give you some ideas for everything on the wedding day. Pack all the necessities in a separate handbag and give it to your maid of honor or any other important member of the party. The person who carries emergency kit items should always be by your side in case you need something.

Essentials To Save Your Bridal Outfit

Even the most complete wedding programs do not include everything. You need to keep in mind different situations that may happen with the dress and other bridal outfit items during the wedding. Your or your bridesmaid survival kit should include a mini sewing kit completed with scissors and safety pins. Depending on your dress you might also want to have a double-stick fashion tape at hand. If your dress has a beautiful V-cut, use a fashion tape to make sure everything is in place. A hem tape will keep your hemline neat. And don’t forget to take a stain remover! Stains are very common during the reception, and you don’t want to ruin your marvelous white wedding gown. However, if the stain remover didn’t work out, use a piece of a white chalk to cover up the stain.

Beauty And Makeup Items To Protect Your Flawless Look

It’s a great idea to have your own bridal beauty timeline. But even if you visit your beautician regularly, there is high chance you will need something from your DIY survival kit. Deodorant, dental flosses, and fresh breath mints are essential, but it is also important to be able to cover up any flaws that arise. It’s easy to smudge your make up on your wedding day. When everyone is so emotional it might be hard to keep the makeup. Thus, don’t forget one of cosmetology kits cases to include foundation, concealer, powder, and lipstick. In addition, it will be very thoughtful of you to take a pair of tweezers, a nail file in case of a broken nail and a pocket mirror. A clear nail polish would be absolutely necessary here. Some hairspray and hairpins would also help.

All these little helpers will make you look lovely in every picture, and not just right after your hair stylist left. Therefore, don’t forget to grab a pair of tweezers – you never know when you might need them! And a little hint – take a bunch of straws to keep your lipstick on when you are thirsty.

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Wedding Emergency Kit Guideline For Groom

If there is one thing you should keep in mind, making your mini emergency kit. Wedding is a union of two people, which means that not only bride, but a groom might also need some help. The groom needs some extra money in case of any miscalculations or extra charges (and also for the tips). It might be a good idea to have an extra pair of shoelaces and some buttons in case something goes wrong. Do not forget hair wax and a comb – groom needs to look good for those wedding pics. Otherwise, the answer to the question of what to put in an emergency kit for the groom is almost the same as for the bride. Therefore, just add a pair of fresh socks, a lint roller and a pair of extra cufflinks, if needed – and here it is!

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Miscellaneous Extras For Any Case

Honestly speaking, your wedding day might have lots of stressful situations of a different kind. Thus, to avoid wedding regrets in the future, you need to be vigilant. Don’t forget to put into a wedding day emergency kit some useful items.
First of all, your emergency box should include band-aids and medications. Tampons and panty-liners are must-have. Even if a bride doesn’t need them, it is possible someone else does. Also remember that you or your guests might need allergy pills, mild sedatives, antiseptic, burn relief or diarrhea pills. In addition, don’t forget paper tissues and headache pills – they will also help if love fever suddenly takes a less romantic form. Don’t forget about food and drink. A bottle of water and a protein bar can save the day. The bride might also appreciate insoles and anti-blister sticks or bands.

If you have an outdoor wedding, don’t forget to take a sunscreen. Insect spray might also be necessary for those who plan a barn wedding. And a lighter is one of the things that you’d better have on you even if you don’t smoke. Extension card, a phone charger, and a power bank, plus a cord will guarantee that you wouldn’t miss an important call.