5 Tips on Writing for Your Customer

Posted on the 18 April 2013 by Andreaantal @andreaeantal

Know your customerNo matter what you write, never lose focus on who you’re writing for.

Whether your audience comprises employees, prospects, existing customers or shareholders, they need to know what’s in it for them.  In order to get them to buy in to what you’re communicating, always highlight the benefits – and remember features are not benefits.

You might describe all the ins and outs of what your product or service can do, but how will it help them?

1) Understand your customer

Understanding your customers’ needs and interests on an ongoing basis will help you build a relationship with them while staying in the loop of how you can benefit them.

Make sure you’re aware of:

  • Their issue or challenge, and why it’s a problem;
  • Whether they are familiar with your company, product or service;
  • Any potential pitfalls linked with their need/want;
  • Changes in company, industry or global views;
  • Who the decision maker is, or who has the purchasing power. There is often a difference between who receives your collateral and who actually makes the purchase.

2) It’s not about you

Marketing copywriting should speak to the reader about the reader. This rule applies for both online and offline mediums. In order to connect and build empathy, address the reader as “you”, not “our customers.”

3) Do not assume

Remember Oscar Wilde’s famous quote, “When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.” I consider this a golden rule, not just in business, but in life.

Don’t assume you know all the answers. Asking questions and listening to the answers may drastically change your marketing approach and the results.

Avoid thinking the customer-centric method doesn’t apply to your product/service or company. Relationship-building is the key to any business in order to earn first or subsequent sales. The hardest part of sales is the initial conversion.  Once a customer has bought in and believes in your product or service, giving them the opportunity to doubt you is the biggest threat to your business.

4) Speak to customers in their language

Media and print ads are commonly written and spoken in everyday English. Making the initial sale is simply about relating, not about jargon-rich terms and conditions.

Use common language as your keywords. If you’re selling nature’s juice but everyone calls it water, you better call it water too because people don’t search “nature’s juice,” they search “water.”

5) Know your target audience

The 80/20 principle defines 80% of your business derives from 20% of your clients. This rule applies to marketing as well as sales. Familiarize yourself with and market specifically to that 20%.

Identify the following:

  • The decision makers;
  • The end users;
  • The ones who will directly benefit;
  • Anything new about your product/industry they should know?

Being able to describe your product is not going to boost your sales; it’s how well you identify with your customers and their needs that will determine your success. How you achieve this depends on your marketing content, but sometimes you’re simply too invested in your product or service to provide a clear perspective. I can help you with that!