5 Tips for Taking a Road Trip Around Florida

By Jolene Ejmont @Wanderluststory

In 2021 alone, Florida welcomed over 122 million visitors, and for a good reason. The Sunshine State is home to theme parks, miles of beautiful beaches, and quaint small towns, each with its unique flavor and character.

Whether you plan to spend a day exploring your surroundings or driving all over the state for an entire week with your loved ones, a road trip around Florida will be one of your most memorable moments.

5 Top Tips for Your Family Florida Road Trip

To enhance your experience for your family road trip to Florida, you must plan and prepare adequately before leaving. Below are our handy tips to help you make the most of your family vacation.

1. Plan Ahead

While road trips certainly have the allure of spontaneity, being organized ahead of time can help improve your experience.

The best way to do this is by identifying your destination and what you want to see or do there. You also need to know the length of your trip to decide the best time to leave. Don't forget about the weather and the type of clothes to pack.

If you aren't using your own vehicle, make rental car arrangements early. As a good rule of thumb, do your bookings at least two weeks in advance.

2. Stay Safe While Having Fun on the Road

Staying safe is one the best ways to enjoy your time while on any road trip. Therefore, before you hit the road, ensure your car is in good condition.

This means checking engine oil, tire pressure, fuel level, lights, engine coolant, and emergency first aid kits and supplies.

Though road trips should be full of fun, avoid drinking alcohol or driving under the influence. Alcohol or drugs can affect your reaction time and impair your judgment while on the road.

You also don't want to miss your favorite spots because you got pulled over.

So, obey the speed limit and other traffic laws, such as buckling up and stopping at red lights.

3. Know What to Do if You Get into a Car Accident

While you might do everything to avoid getting in an accident, you may not control the actions of other motorists. That means it's not unlikely to get involved in an auto crash.

If you're involved in a car accident, try to stay calm and move your vehicle to the side of the road if possible. Call 911 if the accident involves severe injuries or serious property damage.

If another driver or car is involved be sure to get the other driver's name, vehicle's license plate numbers, and insurance information.

If the accident was due to someone else's negligence, hiring a local law firm with offices in the area where the accident happened can help you recover what you rightfully deserve.

For example, if you are injured in a car accident in Boca Raton, working with a local law firm comprised of experienced lawyers, such as Dolman Law Group, can help you maximize your chances of a favorable outcome.

4. Map Out Your Route

When driving around the Sunshine State, mapping out your route is crucial. Mapping will help you hit all the major attractions without spending too much time on the road.

Luckily, many online tools offer detailed route maps for both East and West Florida.

You can find help on sites like Roadtrippers and Roadside America. Google Maps and Waze also offer detailed information about routes and nearby attractions.

Just in case your phone or navigation system develops issues, you can go the analog way by bringing a detailed printed map with you.

5. Be Flexible with Your Schedule

While you may have a strict travel itinerary, you must never feel pressured to complete all your road trip plans within your planned time.

You can stop when you want, stay for as long as you like, and change your arrangements on the fly if you find something interesting.

If you plan on stopping at different landmarks along your route, remember that traffic can cause delays, especially during busy seasons like the summer.

Final Thoughts

The best tip is just to make sure you have a great time making memories. The great advantage of road tripping is that you can change plans if you need or even learn of a new place to visit or see. Enjoy your road trip!

Andrzej believes life to be a never ending adventure. Originally from Poland, he is a devoted husband and father. Dedicated and enthusiastic to chase all his dreams. Storytelling to entice other families to travel.