5 Tips For Improving Your Legal Firm’s Online Marketing Appeal

Posted on the 29 April 2016 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

There are a lot of legal firms out there. And a lot of them do similar things. And a lot of them do specific things. But if you want to compete in all of that noise, you’ve got to have great online market appeal (for virtual search reasons), which means paying attention to a few extra details when setting up your pages, your navigation, and your external output.

Five of these tips in particular are going to be that you should straighten up your FAQ section, use a central social media plan, update your graphics if things are getting visually stale, highlight customer success stories in focused places on your site, and keep a blog section up and updated.

Straighten Up Your FAQ Section

Especially for a legal website, the FAQ section has to be on point with the latest and most relevant answers to the common legal questions that people have. Even if those questions are slightly outside of the speciality that your firm is concerned with, just the fact that you have that information up increases your value to a greater number of people, as well as driving traffic toward you because of the increase SEO presence.

Use a Central Social Media Plan

Even legal firms need a positive and engaging social media presence, and that’s going to mean keeping your messages consistent, timely, well-planned, and on message. To make that happen, there are a few great central software applications and web-based services to help you coordinate. All the major corporations use something similar for their consistency purposes, so even small businesses can benefit from the organizational aspect of social central planning.

Update Your Graphics

Many times there isn’t going to be a trained graphic designer on staff at a legal firm to work with website material. And that’s why using services like fiverr is a great way to get creative contract work done quickly and professionally, and for a price that’s really tough to beat. And the more you familiarize yourself with this type of contract work, the more you can appreciate its value in terms of competitive advantage in the legal field.

Highlight Customer Success

One of the first things that new potential clients are going to want to see on a legal website is a set of success stories from satisfied people. There should be positive quotes and reviews in obvious places, and that should lead to the success of your site over others.

Create a Blog Section On Your Website

And every legal firm website, in addition to having FAQ sections, should also have a regularly updated blog section. This can be filled with news about legal matters, success stories from the company, or even lists of references toward other valuable information.