Many of these tips you've already heard, like "host a giveaway to draw an audience" or "You Twitter to promote". The problem you may have run into though, is many times you don't know how to draw the traffic or where to find linkies, lists of useful tags, etc. Here, I've compiled a short list of my favorite tools and resources. I hope it's useful!
1. Improve your Page Rank
You know that famous blogger that has a thousand comments? Well, don't skip leaving your two cents! Leave a nice comment and make sure to include a link to your blog. More than likely, the famous blogger has a higher Page Rank than you, and leaving your link can actually help improve your page rank!
This html link code works in most comment fields
2. Expand your tag vocabulary
I use Google Keywords tool to make sure I'm using the most efficient tags and labels in each post.
3. Giveaways Linkies
You might already know this, but giveaways can really help to get your blog noticed. Sometimes it's tricky getting the word out about the giveaway, though. I've had really good luck with linkies hosted by sites like Tight Wad in Utah and, if you're giving something away that's from an Etsy shop, you should definitely submit your link to the Etsy Giveaway Blog.
4. Edit your photos. For free!
You don't have to spend hours or even splash out the big bucks for PhotoShop. Just little tweaks like upping the contrast or adjusting the colors can make a huge difference. I use, which is amazing. It's easier than Gimp and has way more feature than the editor in Windows Photo Gallery.
5. Tweet efficiently
Maybe I'm just bad at Twitter, but I'm always kind of at a loss as to what hastags to use to promote blog tweets. I'm getting better at, but when I have a Twitter block, I use this list of hashtags for fashion bloggers from Natasha over at One Woman's Style Evolution.
If you found these tips helpful, you might also want to read this post about promoting your fashion blog.♠