5 Tips for Adding Important Details To Blog Posts

Posted on the 24 November 2015 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Most blog posts are not going to be read by that many people. It’s just the nature of information flow these days. So, as a blogger, how do you get the odds in your favor? There are a million ways to answer that question, but consider the idea of detail for the present.

If people run across your writing, how much detail do they expect to get out of reading it? If they aren’t getting what they want, they won’t come back. Which means you have to know how to dig deeper into what you’re writing about, and to do that – consider the five tips below.

Point To Deeper Information

You may write general information about the topic of shoes, for instance, but how about talking about a person who supports the shoe’s brand? Where did the idea of the shoe come from? Where is it made, and by whom? Everybody can write general information about a topic like shoes, but the good bloggers are going to go deeper into more detailed information in order to tell the story better.

Prefer the Specific To the General

If you ever have to make a choice between talking about general items, like the weather, or specific items, like stratus cloud formation in cold climates, choose the latter. If millions of people can talk about the same thing, what makes you different? It’s all going to be in the details, and the best bloggers and writers know that’s what their audience craves on a continual basis – so scrap the surface, and dive in to peel away at the ocean floor!

Use Sensory Language

If you use sensory language in your blogs, it’s going to make a huge difference in the amount of details that are noticed by your readers. If you go through touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound for every major idea you bring up, it will help people totally immerse in whatever it is that you’re talking about.

Add Detail Without Language Complexity

But, just because you go into detail, doesn’t mean you have to use big words. In fact, using overly complicated words can be a big turn off to many readers. If you don’t have to use the extra syllables to get your idea across in a detailed manner, better to avoid them.

Only Start As Many Topics As You’re Willing To Go Deep Into

If you’re wondering how on earth you’re going to keep your blog posts short when you’re supposed to go into so much detail, then you’ve started to figure out the answer to the puzzle. You should only start writing about as many things as you can go down into in your allotted space, and then should restrict your topics there.