5 Things You Need to Know Before You Teach in Thailand

By Cubiclethrowdown

So, being either bored or dissatisfied with your local job, you made the decision of traveling far away to seek your fortune. As far as the eastern hemisphere at that! It’s great to aspire, but hold your horses for a second.

You won’t require extensive preparation for moving to a local country, but Thailand is a whole different story. Before packing your bags or even searching for a Thai teaching job, you need to be introduced to a couple of facts.

Ahead of anything (and this precedes the 5 most important things), you will need a college degree. It doesn’t matter what certificate you have, you can’t get a proper teaching job in Thailand without a diploma.

If you do have a diploma, you will also need a certificate of prominent value for teaching abroad, such as TEFL or TESOL.

Now that these technicalities are out of the way, you must be wondering what’s not as technical and yet just as important when it comes to teaching in Thailand. Read on to find out!

Thailand Is a Sovereign Monarchy

What makes a nation into a country is its set of laws, and in a monarchy such as Thailand, it is solely dependent on the ruler. This often signifies a marvelous experience for every traveler that hasn’t lived under a king.

Why is this so important? Well, in a country with a president, the laws are much more stable and consistent. In Thailand, everything is susceptible to change, and the king’s whims.

We’re not saying that the king of Thailand is spoiled, but you’ll get the idea from an example. Did you know that gambling is illegal on certain weekdays? That’s right, the king determines when you can gamble every week.

You Don’t Need to Learn Thai

Every colleague you will need to communicate with is fluent in English, and nearly every service facility has English-speaking workers for your convenience. Learning another language is always a benefit, but it isn’t necessary.

Thai is a piece of work that not many can fully grasp, so it can be somewhat stressful just trying to memorize the most common phrases. Thailand’s pro-English population will take this weight off your back.

The most important reason behind this is the fact that your boss won’t want you to learn Thai. Those who employ foreign English teachers believe that the best English class is held entirely in that language.

The Politest Nation on the Planet

We aren’t kidding the slightest bit and you’re not reading it wrong – the people of Thailand are an epitome of politeness and hospitality. However, it comes with a specific set of rules to maintain it with.

For example, you can easily make contact with virtually every local, but at your mere mention of the king, they will scorn you and quickly end the conversation. The king is taboo, especially for the newcomers!

If you don’t talk about the king, point your feet elsewhere so they don’t point at people (it’s very rude to Thai people if they do) and not touch people’s heads (considered holy), you’ll have a great time exploring.

You Will Feel Your Value

Not only will your pay be twice as big as a local’s for the exact same job, everyone will appreciate your presence no matter where you go. Thailand is one of the most grateful countries out there.

Almost all Thailand businesses have a primary focus on foreigners, so your chances of landing a job there are extra high. Working in Thailand is a rewarding decision that feels even more so.

The Cheapest 5-Star Getaways

Did you know that spending the night at some of the most prominent hotels in all of Thailand costs a mere hundred dollars? Just like everything else in this country, high-class tourism is more than affordable.

This cost is so ridiculous when you consider the private infinity pool that you get with your purchase. Everything you can imagine yourself having in a truly expensive 5-star hotel is included in the hundred dollars, with a little bit of Thailand’s own charm.

The Land of Opportunity, and Some Rules

If you fail to see any issues with what you just found out, Thailand’s the perfect destination for you. Also, let’s not forget the thrill of adventure that always accompanies traveling to a distant eastern country.

You won’t just be making pleasing digits, you will be taken aback by the sheer gorgeousness of the variety on display. Those who lived there say that Thai culture is one of the most delicious soul foods out there, and you can’t experience much of it as a tourist. Lastly, the ancient beauty of Thai cities will beguile you to no end.

Brought to you in collaboration with Movinhand