5 Things You Must Do Before Your First Anniversary

By Weddingblog2011

Once your wedding is over, the next big milestone for your relationship is your first year anniversary. After all of your planning and preparation for the wedding day, it's natural to want to unwind after the wedding. Not so fast! Here are a few things that you should definitely take care of within the first year of marriage.

Save The Cake

Wouldn't it be fabulous to wow your honey on the evening of your anniversary by serving up a slice of wedding cake? That is possible, if you or a trusted friend freeze the top of your cake immediately after the wedding reception is over. If you didn't have the foresight to do this, not to worry! You could also recreate the top by talking with the bakery or cake designer that you used for your wedding. If you made your own cake, recreate it - only smaller!

Preserve Your Dress

Once the wedding is over, it's time to preserve your wedding dress. Don't put this off for too long. Instead of hanging your dress in a humid closet or dusty drawer, ship it out so that it can be preserved properly. Services can clean, fold, and package your dress so that it in perfect condition for generations to come. Be sure to learn more about dress preservation so that you choose a company that guarantees your dress won't yellow with time, and provides perks like free shipping.

Send Out Thank You Notes

Within the first year of marriage, you need to send out all of your thank you notes for wedding gifts that you've received. Ideally, you should do this right after you return from your honeymoon, as life starts to settle into a new normal.

Set Up A Joint Checking Account

As you and your partner venture into your first year together, it is important to talk about your plan for finances. Get very clear on how you would like your financial life to unfold. If it feels right, take the time to set up a joint checking account, and decide how much each of you will contribute.

The first year of marriage is an exciting one. Take care of these details so that you can enjoy time with the love of your life! Prepare for your first anniversary by tying up loose ends from the wedding, and paving a path for the future. Are you in your first year of marriage already? Leave your answer in the comments section below!