5 Things You Can Take Home After Your Hotel Stay

By Wonderland57

Not a lot of people know that you can bring home goodies from your hotel because they think that they’re not free. Well, hotels actually has a lot of freebies that you can bring home after your wonderful staycation. Whether you are staying in a very luxurious hotel or the budget ones, freebies are still freebies. There’s nothing wrong with collecting stuff from hotels for as long as you know what’s free from not as you don’t want to be charged for stealing things. Yes, this may be confusing to some because almost everything that is inside a hotel room would be amazing to bring home but that will never happen.

If you wanna know where do you really cross the line, see the list below:

  • Mineral Water Bottles

Yes. Mineral water bottles are free. The great thing about hotels from all around the world is the fact that they are putting up around 3 to 6 bottles of water in a single bedroom for guests to enjoy. While the water is a great freebie, the real perks that you will surely enjoy are the bottles as you may bring them home and use them for your travels or as a school water bottle. Amazing right? It’s no harm to hoard these bottle as these are absolutely free.

  • Toiletries

This is probably the most obvious of all. Toiletries are 100% free. They are placed inside the bathroom for the guests to enjoy. The great thing about toiletries is that you can use them for future trips or you can give them as gifts to your family and friends. People love toiletries! Some of the toiletries that you can bring home are the following: soap, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, toothpaste, mouthwash, shaving cream, deodorant and many more.

  • Stationery

Also one of the perks of booking in a nice hotel are the notepads, ballpens, stick pads that are also known as stationery. These are stationeries that are great in quality and they also have the name of the hotel on the paper itself that is why bringing home stationeries is also like bringing home your memories in that hotel.

  • Beverage packets

Those who love coffee or tea will surely love this. Most hotels now have beverage packets set up in the table as you enter your room. While some hotels only have limited packets, some are generous enough to give more than 10 packets to their guests that is why if you weren’t able to finish them all, might as well bring them home.

  • Disposables

Shower cap. Extra plastic bags. Toothbrush. Sewing kit. Name them all. As long as they’re disposable, they can be brought to your humble home. Disposables are intended to be used only once and in some cases, they can be used multiple times until they are ready to be thrown away. Hotel disposables are the best because if you bring them home, you will feel like you’re still in a hotel when you use them in your own house.

A lot of people think that it’s bad to bring home some things from the hotel but the truth is they are given free. In most cases, they are part of what you paid for so don’t worry about it. Hotel freebies are the best!

Author bio:

Mark Aldrin Hipolito is a daytime writer for Holiday Inn Parramatta Accommodation, one of Australia’s modern and luxurious hotels in the suburban district. Mark Aldrin gives hotel tips and hacks to help people make the most out of their vacation.