5 Things to Do Today – Have You Ever Tried Yoga with Adriene #5thingstodotoday

By Djridings @fivethingsnow


In the worlds current situation now is the perfect time to suggest inspirational and creative things to do when life is not quite as free as it was.

5 things to do today might be able to help with this.

Here are 5 suggestions

  1. Start a small habit such as every time you flush the toilet do a press-up. Build it up as the week's pass.
  2. Go for a random walk. Go outside set your timer for 20 minutes and every 5 minutes change direction.
  3. 80/20 your phone apps. For every 10 apps delete 8. Declutter!
  4. Rewrite the last chapter of your favourite novel.
  5. If you go on Youtube then you can access 'Yoga with Adriene' which are free 30/40 minute practices. I can heartily recommend them as they are useful, can be home at home and have differentiation built-in. It is a very pleasant way to calm down and tone up!

We would love to hear your suggestions and we will give you a link back to your blog or site.

Please e-mail 5thingstodotoday@gmail.com with your ideas and we will publish them.
