5 Things to Do on a Lazy Sunday Afternoon

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Everybody enjoys having a lazy Sunday afternoon before they get back to work the following morning, but what is the best way to spend your free time? tvbed have come up with a few ideas that will ensure you get a great end to the weekend.

1. Watch TV
Take the opportunity to catch up on any TV series or films that you have been desperate to see, but just haven’t had the time. Sometimes it’s nice just to kick back and let the TV do the talking for an hour or two.

2. Have a nap
We live very hectic lifestyles today, and in all honesty when do we ever get the chance to nap? So give yourself a power nap of about half an hour and see how refreshed you feel.

3. Bake
Baking can be a really great way to spend time with your kids and doesn’t require leaving the house. You will more than likely have most of the ingredients needed in your house already, so roll up your sleeves and have fun making and eating delicious treats.

4. Take the time to call your friends
We all have those friends who we don’t get to see as often as we would like, so it’s nice to take some time to give them a phone call and catch up on all the things that have been going on in their life.

5. Go out a treat yourself to a roast
Roast dinners, the traditional Sunday Meal in Britain. They are delicious and nutritious, but can be a bit of a nightmare to cook. So book a table at your favorite restaurant and treat yourself to a great meal cooked by someone else for a change.
