5 Things Every Child Longs to Hear Daily.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
Happy Friday friends! I have such a special treat for you all today; Tiffany from The Dwelling Tree is sharing a few simple things you can tell your child everyday to truly impact their lives. I'll let her tell you all about it... take it away love!

Hi everyone. I am so grateful to get to take over Samantha's blog for a day. My name is Tiffany and I am the blogger behind The Dwelling Tree. I am a coffee addict, wanna-be runner, and Lululemon loving mother of my daughter Lillian. I have an amazing husband I fall more in love with every day. We do things like hike, drink good Colorado beer, and try lots of recipes. I love Jesus- a lot, and am spending my life trying to understand the depth of his love for me and my need for his grace. My blog is all about being a woman and the things we deal with. Motherhood, faith, thrifting, relationships, recipes- it's all there.I host a weekly blog hop that has grown more than I ever expected. We have tons of fun, and once a week someone wins the "spotlight spot" where their blog is featured for free. It is every Tuesday morning. Come be my friend! 
I am giving away $25 in Paypal cash to one of you. I feel like we could all use a little money after the holidays, and I would love for one of you to pay a bill or buy yourself something special. 
I have decided today to share something with all of you I have been thinking much about. Feel free to print this out as a reminder for you throughout the day. It is 5 things every child needs to hear from their Mom and Dad. I came across this on a website and it stirred my heart to remember to tell my daughter these simple statements to help encourage her daily. So often we take for granted the people we love most. We assume they know how we feel, but we rarely take the time to tell them loving statements such as, "I am so proud of you", or "you are so good at sharing with your friends." These tiny but meaningful statements can profoundly impact a child's life. 
Enjoy this, pin it if you would like, and thank you all for taking a moment to get to know me! 
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