5 Special Gift Ideas For My Daughter's Bridal Shower

By Innstilettos
Danielle at her shower.
It doesn't seem like it was that long ago I was sitting with piled up gifts at my bridal shower.  I was smiling happily as I sat there wearing my bow and ribbon hat that my maid of honor carefully taped together.  What a nice day and an even sweeter memory.
Except I can not for the life of me remember what my mother bought me for my gift other than a sweet Betty Crocker cookbook.  She hand wrote a note about all the happy memories I would have cooking for my family.  Other than that...it is all a blur. 
My daughter, Danielle's shower was this weekend and I was set out to make sure I gave her at least one thing she would have to pass down to her daughter....something she would remember.
I came up with five things of which only two made the shower but I thought I would share them with you in case you wanted to give something in addition to the valuable cookware set and towels.
1- A quilt.  Now this could be something handed down to you from your mother or grandmother with perhaps a newly embroidered message placed on it.  It is such a nice thing to give something of the past as it passes on the family history.  If you don't have one, make one.  There are many how to videos on You Tube but give yourself some time.

2- An antique piece...  I selected this one because Danielle has a thing for old furniture.  I chose a Hoosier which was a basic item in every 1917 kitchen.  The Hoosier was in pretty rough shape but I was fortunate enough to have the amazing help of my son's girlfriend, Rachel who painstakingly scraped the old paint from the wood everyday during spring break.  Together, we painted it cream and pale robin's egg blue to match the kitchen where it would be going.  Tremendous amount of work for an even bigger reaction from the bride and groom.  I was happy I chose that piece.

3- A personal cookbook of handed down family recipes.  This is an inexpensive gift with priceless value.  Sure it will take you a bit to sit down and write the recipes out but you are continuing tradition.
4- A plant from the clipping of your daughter's childhood backyard is a great choice and is a good starter for those moving to their first home where yard work can be an enormous project.  I would chose something with a scent as to be a reminder of the past.

5- The famous hope chest...  This can be brand new or something old.  I bought one for Danielle although I had always hoped to give her mine.  When I saw it, I knew it was perfect for her and I was happy that I had made the effort to find it.

When deciding on what to buy, put a little thought into the preferences of the soon to be husband and wife.  If they prefer a modern home, antiques will not be appropriate.  Maybe you could buy them a trip that they would remember. There are many wonderful ideas out there just waiting to be thought up.
Deborah Stilettos