In our household, we always try to make sure that we stay on top of the daily chores so that we don’t wait until we have a ton of laundry, dishes, and other chores to get done during the weekend. I know that I would rather spend my weekend doing the things I enjoy instead of cleaning. On the weekends, it is great to go out do fun things together instead of spending time at home cleaning.
If you have children, don’t be afraid to get them to join in and help with the household chores. When dividing up the chores, you can assign your kids age appropriate chores. Don’t discourage them if they don’t get the chores done perfectly but praise them for attempting to do their assigned chores. For example, I used to fold the laundry when my daughter was 2 or 3 years old. I would ask her to push the basket into her room and to put away her clothes. Sometimes the clothes stayed folded and other times they would come unfolded. She always managed to put her clothes away where they belonged. I did have to show her which drawer the items went in so that she learned the proper place for each type of clothing.