5 Shortcuts for Updating Your Social Media Content

Posted on the 07 May 2013 by Elizabethlmaness @elizbethlmaness

One of the most time consuming aspects of using social media to market your online business is the actual work of posting content. It takes time on its own, of course. And for many business owners, that can be just one more thing on a to-do list that's already too full.

tips for efficient social media time management

But the other thing that makes it more challenging is that it's way to easy to have the best of intentions when you're updating your content – only to get sucked into responding to your friends' posts, and then find that hours have passed and while you've gotten the latest update on who is having what for dinner, your social media content isn't any closer to being posted.

Not that I've ever done that, of course.

But with a few tips and tricks, you can easily get your social media for a day or even a week planned out in advance – leaving you more time during the week for quality engagement with your audience, in addition to the regular activities of your business.

5 tips for efficient social media time management

1.   Have a social media marketing content plan

Whether you plan your updates by the week or by the month, planning your content in advance is the single easiest way to get your preplanned content posted efficiently and easily.  When you know what you're going to post and can see the overall patterns, it just makes it simpler to find and post relevant, interesting content for your audience.

2.   Cut the distractions

You'll never get your content posted quickly if you're reading everyone else's updates. When you're adding in your updates, find a way to focus on the job at hand. Focus only on updating your own content for those moments, and you'll find the job goes much more quickly.

3.   Have a blog content strategy

Your social media content should also be a reflection of the content on your website. When you have a plan for both, your updates on both will go that much more smoothly. Knowing your plan for your blog will help you update your social media easier, and knowing your content for your social media channels will make the process of creating fresh content on your blog easier than ever. 

4.   Engage with your audience

When you're not trying to post your content, engaging with your audience is a great way to help make your updating process go much faster. If you're aware of what your audience likes and responds to, it's easier to find content that you know they'll love.

5.   Read content from thought leaders in your field

It's impossible to create great content continuously without staying current in your field. I can always tell when I'm in a rut and need to read from others when I start to feel like my ability to create content is drying up.  Reading in your field helps you as an entrepreneur – and as a writer. The benefits are amazing. It will help you get more efficient and effective at creating your own great content for social media quickly.

What are your favorite ways to be as efficient as possible when creating your social media updates?  I'd love to hear them – leave a comment below!