5 Rules to Become a Successful Business Owner

By Dltmontana

5 Rules to become a successful business owner

The most common complaint I hear from business owners: "The economy is bad."

Surprisingly, many business owners would rather complain, than get out their offices and go meet people that could become referral partners or, even clients/customers.

1. Forget about the state of the economy.

If your product or services are good, there will always be people who will buy.

2. Offer something new that adds value.

Create new packages, products, update current ones, or, even better, bring something completely new to the table.

3. Build your network data. The money is in the data, and always was. 4. Use mixed media marketing.

All the social media: Georgia Commerce Club, Google+, FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, tools make it super inexpensive to market your business effectively. (www.GeorgiaCommerceClub.org). Use different marketing methods such as a shopify seo; it does not hurt to try and improve your business.

List your business in Georgia Commerce Club Directory (print and on line). It is the least expensive print advertisement that you can find today. (www.georgiacommerceclubdirectory.com)

Reach as many people as you can.

5. Keep learning.

I know, you don't have time to become skilled at doing everything yourself. Don't. This is a biggie. My friends who have successful businesses and fulfilling lives have figured this out. And it's even truer in the Social Media era.

Don't trust those who call themselves Social Media Experts. (SME). They don't exist. Social Media changes daily, so you have to learn daily.

Save Money, Make Money, and grow your business with the RIGHT TEAM!

...and the extra bonus rule #6 for everyone: use words like: Solutions, result driven, outside the box, value proposition, strategic partnership, creative consulting organization, market leading provider, in your business name or proposal.

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