5* REVIEW: From the Heart – A Journey of Love

By Mba @mbartoloabela

Wonderful journey into the potential and power of poetry. I will be the first to admit that I did not get poetry until I read this book. I now understand poetry as a way to transport you to another world, to travel the world without leaving to go anywhere. This book has so many poems that you would think you had enough poetry for a lifetime. Each poem takes you to another world filled with mystery in which what is left out is just as important as what is there. My two favorites are Thank You, which is a poem for soldiers or veterans who are serving or have served their country. This one almost brought tears of thankfulness, both for the poem being written and for the joy of serving my country. My second was Capri for this is the first poem that actually brought to me what poetry is meant to be - a vehicle of imagination and dreams, to transport you to another part of the planet filled with God's beauty. Cannot wait to go there. Finally, there are many poems that speak of forgiveness and sorrow, and seeking heaven. All the poems are infused with a subtle love of God and neighbor and family, and also what happens when you betray those high ideals of God, family, and your neighbors for selfish reasons. I recommend this book as a wonderful journey into the potential and power of poetry. Hopefully, it will kindle your love of this fine art form that thanks to this book, I am now beginning to appreciate.

(Source: Amazon.com)