5 Reasons Why You Need to Invest in Sustainable Maternity Wear

By Peppertan

We are often told to relax and take things easily but when we have a baby on the way, there are a lot of things that we worry about and things we have to prepare. This said, having to think about investing in sustainable maternity wear, rather than the usual maternity garments, seems like an extra dose of effort which we often think we can do without.

Thing is, there are a number of important reasons why investing in sustainable maternity wear is not only good for us but more importantly, for the well-being of our newborns as the following five reasons will prove.

Softer fabrics

Sustainable clothing is often made with soft, natural fibers as compared to regular clothing which can be made from itchy, synthetic ones. Using a sustainable breastfeeding cover on your newborn’s face to cover yourself when you are feeding your child outside the home is better than having a cloth that is itchy for the delicate skin of your child. Remember that especially during those early months, your child is in constant contact with you and so wearing softer, more delicate garments is essential to them being as comforted as possible.

Good quality

There is always the debate in every woman’s mind as to whether she should buy maternity clothes or not. These garments are often used throughout the pregnancy and the months following the birth of our child and with so many accidents and spills that come with a newborn, having good quality garments is essential to the longevity of the pieces. Sustainable clothing is the antithesis of fast fashion which guarantee your clothing will last longer despite the constant washing.

Pesticides control

Did you know that “millions of children in the US receive up to 35% of their estimated lifetime dose of some carcinogenic pesticides by age five through food, contaminated drinking water, household use, and pesticide drift?” A lot of pesticides are used to grow cotton which in turn make what we know to be as fast fashion. When you realize the severity of this statistic, making time to invest in sustainable clothing, rather than regular clothing, becomes more of a priority.

Chemical control

Chemicals are often used to finish our garments such as in chemical dyes. There are many causes that stem from such chemicals — some are known to contain heavy metals and dioxins which are known to be carcinogenic. Chemicals can also cause allergic reactions and irritations especially on the sensitive skin of our baby.

For the world your child will grow up in

As mothers, we want to see our children grow up in a world that is safe and clean but if fast fashion keeps reigning in the fashion world, then our children will witness a world that bears more waste. Sustainable clothing is often made with natural fibers and with reusable materials. Moreover, knowing that they are of a higher quality than fast fashion pieces means that we will hold on to the garments and wear them for longer than we would with a normal piece of clothing.