5 Reasons Why Franchise Businesses Are a Popular Option for Parents

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Image: Charles%20McArthur%20from%20Pixabay">Pixabay

In recent times, increasing numbers of parents are recognising the benefits of running a franchise business. Here are five reasons why this way of working makes sense for mums and dads.

1. Improved work-life balance

For many parents, juggling home and work life can be a real challenge, where finding that all-important balance can prove particularly elusive. Yet, this is where franchising steps in to help. Franchising allows you to be your own boss and set your own working hours, while still having the advantage of a recognised brand behind you. By giving you the flexibility to choose how often to work, and even where to work, you can spend valuable time with the kids, not miss out on important events and milestones in their lives, and even make the school run each day.

Parents who are able to work around their children are more likely to feel satisfied with their careers. They may feel more motivated to go to work each day, and less guilty about doing so, than those parents who work long hours and never get to see their children.

2. Home-based franchises

The benefits of working from home are obvious: no more time-consuming and costly commutes to work, not having to put up with annoying colleagues and creating your own working environment to suit your preferences and needs. Importantly, for parents working from home, this means you can fit your work around your children, and it's proved especially useful in those recent times where children have had to be schooled from home. One of the benefits of franchising is that there are many different options that parents can get involved in that can be based from home, such as beauty, fitness, education or computer franchise businesses. You can choose options according to your skills, experience and interests, as well as budget.

3. Reduced risk

Many parents often think about a change of career when children come along, with many not wanting to go back to doing the same kind of work they did beforehand. Often, long suppressed career dreams come to the fore, with lots of parents liking the idea of setting up their own business. Yet, the harsh reality is that many new businesses fail within their first year of operation, and this is quite a big risk to take if you've got kids at home and can't afford to lose out financially. However, this is the beauty of looking into franchise opportunities.

Running a franchise lets you enjoy the best of both worlds; the ability to run your own business, but with a reduced risk of failure. Because you're taking on an established brand that has a tried-and-tested way of doing things, you're much more likely to make a go of it for the long-term compared to setting up a company independently. Plus, if you need backup and support, you've got a network of people behind the brand ready and waiting to help.

4. Reliable income

As well as franchises for sale for parents offering lower risk of failure, they also provide a reliable source of income for anyone wanting to operate their own business. With a new business, you'll need to invest time, money and effort establishing a brand and reputation, which could prove stressful and difficult for busy parents. By setting up a franchise, however, all of this hard work is done for you. You can start the business by concentrating on watching it grow and expand, which in turn means a quicker route to making a profit. For many parents, the stability of working for a respected franchise brand is a no-brainer, allowing them to earn a steady income.

5. Lower stress

There's no doubt that running your own business is stressful on many levels. You'll be worried about failure, not earning enough money to feed your children, not being able to see your children as much as you'd like to because of long working hours and many other concerns regarding the day-to-day running of the business. By operating a franchise, you eliminate many of these worries, because a lot of the work has been done to establish the brand and you can decide how flexible you want to be with your patterns of working. This is likely to result in lower levels of stress, which means you'll feel more content with your career and a happier person when you get home to your family. Children can often pick up when their parents are stressed and may begin to feel anxious themselves, so by being calmer about your work life, you can help to create a more harmonious home environment.

