5 Reasons Why Catheters Can Help Reduce Infections

Posted on the 02 October 2017 by Tom Jamieson @tomjamieson_

Based on the definition on Catheter a narrow catheter tube created from medical grade equipment offering a wide range of functions. Catheters are health devices which may be put in in the body to combat diseases or do a surgical process. By adjusting the way catheters are made, it becomes possible to structure catheters for urological, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neurovascular and the ophthalmic applications. Here are five reasons why catheters could be instrumental in reducing infections.

There are a lot of multiple types of catheters for bladder issues. A unique modern intermittent catheter is manufactured from polyurethane and is available in different lengths and sizes for children, men, and women.

Relatively easy to use

Although it may look intimidating at first, intermittent catheterization is a simple process, once you understand the importance. Most individuals can catheterize themselves. Any child as young as eight years can quickly learn to use a catheter on their own. If you are unable to do it, a caregiver can assist.

It's effective

If you are unable to release your bladder contents, on your own, it can cause infections to the bladder and the urinary system. Therefore intermittent catheterization is an efficient answer to continuously draining the catheter. If the urine stays in the bladder for long it might result in a distended bladder. Intermittent catheterization could aid maintain such problems under control. It could also boost urinary incontinence in a few people. You could have a more active way of life since then you can remove the catheter when have entirely emptied your bladder.

It's safe

Long-term or indwelling catheters can have challenges like:

* Leaking

* Infection

* Blockage

* Bladder spasms.

The chance of having these difficulties is tremendously reduced with the use of intermittent catheterization. Once you understand how to catheterize yourself, it won't be possible to harm yourself in the process. If you are uncomfortable with using an indwelling catheter, using the intermittent catheterization, could give you an experience of an improved lifestyle.

Suited for patients with various infections.

A doctor might recommend vital information in case of the following conditions;

* Incontinence

* Urinary retention

* Severe bladder issues that lead to kidney damage.

The doctor can advise intermittent catheterization in case of such conditions or if you are suffering from spinal fida, neurological and spinal cord injury.

Catheterization could be used temporarily after some types of surgery of genitals, prostate or after abdominal hysterectomy.


Catherization is often not a permanent process, and its use on temporary basis helps people retrain their bladders. This method enables the bladder to adjust after some time hence minimizing any infection from continued use.

Tom James,