5 Reasons i Wear Black

By Iheartblackofficial @AffordableFashi

Like many of you out there, I show deep consideration for black. It makes us powerful, sexier (sometimes always), slender; it can make us stand out or blend in; we can wear it, lazy, while shopping for groceries or simple and mysterious while partying in that hip,upscale place that just opened in town. I guess these are more than just 5 reasons I personally wear black, but here you have it. 1. Gives you confidence 2. It's classy and never goes out of style 3. It makes you stand out or blend in 4.You can most definitely dress up or down an all black look by adding one or two statement pieces 5. Yes, number 5 (because I'm not shallow enough to be number 1), it makes you look slender, slimmer, fit, you name it - black does that. Talking about the pieces I've put together here, I could definitely entitle myself a Zara-whore. I mean, the company invests 0 in advertising, because they have us, people who build an outfit almost entirely from Zara, post it online, and let the viral marketing speak for itself. Enough for now, go ahead and enjoy your weekend! Let's keep in touch via Facebook/Bloglovin/Instagram